
Kinda off topic, but anyone care to Photoshop this and make it Screensaver worthy, or know where the original photo came from? Saw it in an article on the Aviationist. Recent photo of F22 lifting off to attack ISIS targets. Plus, I know many of you would appreciate it anyways :)

Glad you watched it. You really get a feel for both the B36 and B47. For me, being a child of the 1950s, it brings back fond memories.

Also bear in mind that the Casa's de-icing system sucks balls. It never works right, if it ever works at all. And furthermore, they seem to break down a lot. All the time. My wife is an AET for the Casa, and she flies in them every single day. There have been more than plenty of occasions that the planes have

The little Falcon 20 is a terrific jet, and I think you, Tyler, already know and appreciate just what kind of a neat little jet this is.

OK, let me see if I have this whole C-27 debacle right.

Oh NASA, the last operator of otherwise long forgotten and retired aircraft. If you look at the NASA wiki page of the various aircraft that they use, it's just a hodge podge of pretty much whatever the other services were looking to get rid of. Everything from recently retired Navy S-3 Vikings to the only remaining

[Movie guy voice]

I'm not even mad at this point. I'm impressed.

From a feminist point of view, which is in most cases total anti-"warmongering machine," point of view there is a strong argument that quite frankly,I don't think requires you to identify as a feminist to at least be able to SEE, that posits all of these machines are phallic metaphors and the destruction they wreak

It's even more sexual when you think of the common terms for tank warfare.

With an exhaust snorkel pack!

I don't own a gun and I refuse to buy one, and I do not advocate shooting.

Tyler, first question - does this thing have a smoothbore cannon for APFSDS rounds? And second, this is Rooshian. So WHERE IS MY DASHCAM VIDDY?

Tyler, I have seen many pictures of the B36, but never have I ever seen one of the tracked landing gear. Very fascinating article. This one must have taken some heavy duty sleuthing to find. As an aside, I highly recommend watching "Strategic Air Command" starring Jimmy Stewart. Great footage of the Peacemaker as it

Do one on the FICON. Always loved the Goblin too.

In case you are serious, put USS before Philippine Sea and google it.

You think that's bad, you should see their public access cooking show.