
Gruden decided to make his bed with Sanchez as his No. 1 guy, and an off-the-street guy as his No. 2, for reasons that will never be explicitly articulated.

I just don’t understand why they’d do this. Why would they give such a tacit endorsement to the racism and white grievance culture that this represents? I appreciate that these invitations are traditional and everything but I really thought Trump would draw the line somewhere.

Cry into your stupid yellow towel. 

Jesus Christ I hope you don't vote. 

High speed rail in CA passed in 2008.

Yes California has more public support for the people who live there than other states it’s why the poverty level is better in California than in these red states.

Gonna lose mah job to own the libs.

As the train goes off the bridge, one half of the passengers look at he other half and say, “Man, they sure are screwed.”

Having never read Punisher I always thought it was a variation on Cthulhu. There’s a striking similarity.

Ann Chthoulther

Shirt on the lady to the right. That appears to be a Day Of The Dead skull.

Jaguars Junction is really the only Jaguars-related Deadspin content I’m interested in...sorry.

Whuuut? You mean the Frasier Institute, the largely-Koch-Brothers-funded thinktank with ties to the ALEC and the Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation, would try to paint socialist nations as either unsuccessful or only successful because they’re ACTUALLY capitalist? udontsay.gif

Tom Brady just had that fan relocated to San Francisco. 

Hazing: gang initiation for rich white kids.

Can’t blame Worcester for wanting the Red Sox Triple AAA club, look at how much it has improved the city of Pawtucket. 50 years ago Pawtucket was a small city in such decline, people derisively referred to it as “the Bucket”. It had long since closed mills, a desolate downtown, and run down neighborhoods. Nowadays.....

Unions were literally formed to fight the power and privilege of evil, greedy psychos like Trump. The fact that he was born in to wealth is just the icing on his shit cake.

Francesa reminds me of my father. And I’m older than Francesa.