
I’ve always found it funny that these people are super-duper-capitolist-free-market proponents... Until a majority of the market is comprised of young black men. Curiously, that market is greedy unless they shut up and say “thank you [massa]” for their “free” education and meal ticket.

he fixes the cable

Strong-armed, give me a break. NFL players have always been and still are treated like shit by employers. Way to side with management, SCAB.

Yes. Only the top 20 or so picks get full guarantees across all four years of their rookie deals. What a devastating precedent it might set if teams had to pay what amounts to a rounding error for a mistake at the top of the first round on a pick with no bargaining power on an artificially reduced salary. That

Hey, flyover hicks, we all hear what youre saying out there but we are doing our best to ignore you because youre a bunch of ignorant small town shit heads.

Shoulda been you, Post.

Oh come on now, they were just applauding economic anxiety!

You’re my favorite kind of person.  A hater of Deadspin who reads a lot of Deadspin.  I can’t wait for the day when you realize what a colossal tool you’ve been wasting your time on a site you dislike. 


You’re a fucking idiot.

I think New York could use a 2nd professional team.

Is it really that far fetched to say that the future of our military depends on young boys sustaining serious brain injuries at a young age, affecting their impulse control and decision making skills while also making them hyper aggressive and violent?

I feel it is because conservatives have created a mindset of scarcity in their voter base. When resources are scarce (actual or just perceived) people will sell themselves short for some immediate and oftentimes small reward.

Like Mark Janus, all you have to do is find one scab in the shop with a particular case that doesn’t need the salaried money (like Mark Janus) and who is a fucking asshole (like Mark Janus) and then that asshole can sit back while some of the most deep pocketed lawyers and private entities essentially use your name to

Well, if he’s not going to be in jail then playing minor league baseball is probably the next best punishment.

We’ve largely accepted it, but it’s truly astounding how the right took the word “elite” (meaning a select part of a group that is superior in terms of quality or ability) and turned it into a negative.

Who ARE these people?

This is 100 percent accurate.

Can we back up slightly and talk more about your roommate selection criteria?

Damn, he didn’t even grind his feet into JR’s couch.