It’s true. Forget piddly 20% growth, BBB sales have doubled in just their last quarter alone! Amazing! Two pairs to four, but still.
It’s true. Forget piddly 20% growth, BBB sales have doubled in just their last quarter alone! Amazing! Two pairs to four, but still.
For some reason, the people who scream the loudest about the constitution are also the blue lives matter guys. Half the bill of rights is specifically about what they would refer to as criminals’ rights.
Christie tried going to a public beach, but the people from Green Peace kept trying to roll him into the ocean.
I’m a proud Montclair native today. The Communists will surely be abuzz about this one in the bread line (at Whole Foods).
When pressed, Fisher says “has 7-9 good stories he could tell about Vince. But he is working hard every day to make them more competitive.”
They’re called “Independent Promotions,” and they’re everywhere. I honestly didn’t “get” it until I met some people that were into professional wrestling for real. The best way it can be explained is that it’s performance art. The wrestlers and the fans know it. It’s basically a play with some stunning and, yes,…
It sounds like the Let’s Remember Some Guys Invitational.
Prosperity Gospel is fucking evil. Maybe we should start protesting megachurches. Just stand at the entrances of their parking lots holding signs that say HERETICS.
And yet, it’s still all the blue states that pay more into federal taxes than they take unlike the South and Midwest. I’m thinking that that Erik Erikson guy had a good idea with liberal vs. conservative secession. Let those dicks try and pay for their own welfare.
I said this the other day: I don’t get why “he’s a doddering old man” isn’t discussed more.
“You know what I like.”
A spitting image.
I think they misquoted her and what she really meant was “lien”. See, the Browns are so badly constructed that the general has issued a LIEN on Thomas.
I’d be surprised if anyone in Cleveland even knows what lean is.
If they had melted the damn statue down like they should have in the first place we wouldn’t be having this discussion.
Well it’s important to look at both sides of the issue when making a choice about the statue.
The training staff will have to answer for this.... earlier in the week, all the trainer told the media was that Noah had a bad toothache.
I love Mayock. He knows his shit and I’m a sucker for that familiar accent. I also enjoy Collinsworth.
Conservatives pay lip service to the free market, when it feels the government is trying to become too active in it. Yet, when the free market changes and fucks over a particular interest, those same conservatives come running to the government for protection.
I’m sad that they laid off the wrong people. Get rid of Greeny, Stephen A, van Pelt, Pablo Torre, for pity’s sakes.