
“Assaulted.” Also, the cops in the Bland tragedy were extremely aggressive. I’m sure CR-V lady was treated with the utmost respect. Bland was not going to get her day in court before going to jail/being killed.

That fills up his punch card, so at least the next one’s free.

RedHotFuzz is gonna be mad at you for bringing up facts because POLICE R HEROZ AND NEVER BRAKE TEH LAWZ.

White lady in Kansas. She’s not getting any harsh anything.

Yes, it is at least to some small degree a real indictment of his character that he’s so petty and cheap that he asks people to make fake memorabilia to sell because he doesn’t want the people paying for his game-used helmets to actually get his game-used helmets because he wants to keep them for himself. If he

Eli’s just upset these messages were intercepted, but really he shouldn’t be surprised.

Maybe Eli phrased it like that to distinguish from the bicycle helmets he wears in day-to-day life.

Mine’s nothing special. It’s a 1982 GTV6. This is her.

Nothing. Hes talking about nothing and this means nothing. Hes speaking to his base specifically so they can eat it up. Stuff like this makes him seem presidential to them but he really isn’t. This is like your shitty boss saying “ we’re going to start a committee to review your lunch breaks so you can get what you

This comes up all the time, and every single time the answer is the same: over the last 10 years, the Patriots’ win % against the division is very nearly exactly the same as their winning % against the rest of the NFL (around .750).

That’s not fucking socialism at all. You have no clue at all what you’re talking about.

Fuck them both. Pardon me if I’m not vicariously happy for one douchebag lacrosse-playing private school beating another.

Can St. Louis Piazza even really be considered Piazza?

Yep. We’ll probably be seeing that piss tape real soon.

The judge denied his request to be sent to juvie.

I think at this point it’s become abundantly clear the man has no idea what he is doing. He’s signing whatever is put in front of him without reading or understanding it, ignoring or firing experts, and trying to con his way through the job. It’s failing miserably, because everyone around him is smarter and more

Dispatch from Baltimore: UA is headquartered here and recently reached a controversial deal with the city to purchase a BUTTLOAD of land called Port Covington to build a huge “campus” in exchange for tax breaks from the city (Tax-Increment Financing or a TIF). The city has given out TIFs before under the guise of

Every word of that article is straight up amazing. Donald Trump is trapped in a Being There remake of his own making.

Is Yemen really any more dangerous than Florida?

Uh, yes? If you cannot deal with the fact that the world’s largest country will exercise power over an area in which it is a regional hegemon, you are a fucking moron. Maybe the US will be “less strong” than China. So what? The US has not been deeded the world in perpetuity and should, in fact, be more humble in the