
It also wouldn’t be evidence to anyone who understands sexual assault or victim behavior and statistics. Which it seems you have no interest in.

The whole, like, being unclothed or being in bed or doing other stuff explanation is the most ridiculous to me. When I was in college, I didn’t have sex until my senior year. The other three years I had many satisfying encounters in beds, unclothed and partially-clothed, and doing lots of other stuff. I just didn’t

...it wouldn’t raise reasonable doubt for me, for example.

It is a piece of evidence that raises reasonable doubt to people who do not understand sexual assault and who are uninterested in becoming educated about victim behavior and statistics.

It’s a piece of evidence in his favor to people who don’t understand sexual assault and have no interest in learning about victim behavior and statistics.

No one wants to be a victim. Often it takes a while to process in your mind what happened, and while you’re working it out you’re trying to find every other possible explanation than “another person took advantage of me.”

When I was 16, one of my male friends put his penis in my mouth as I lay in a bed drunk and alone at a party. I wound up “dating” him for several weeks afterward, not because I liked him or was interested in dating him, but because I didn’t want to be the girl who randomly sucked his dick at a party. And at the time I

That’s actually pretty shitty of the cop

If there were no jobs in my town, I would move. Being paid money by someone else isn’t a “right.”

...and yet, I am not crying about not being paid more to put dishes on a table.

...plugging your ears, stamping your feet, and making red-faced insults and idealistic claims isn’t going to change that employers will pay people what they think they are worth. We do have minimum wages to protect workers; if an establishment isn’t abiding by the law, they should be reported. If your skills and

Again, I have spent plenty of time working in restaurants and similar customer-service positions in high school and college. If an employer is not paying their staff properly, they should be reported. Why someone would work at an establishment that does not pay them is not only beyond the realm of reasonable, it is

You might want to point out to them that they are in violation of your state’s employment laws, if in fact they are. It wouldn’t take much time or money on your part.

I neither called anyone lazy nor used assumptions in my statements. You are the one who has repeatedly resorted to pointless insults, including name-calling, and assumptions about me and my life. I don’t disagree that it would be better to do away with our service industry tipping system. It seems you are simply

If there was a restaurant that didn’t utilize a tipping system, compensating with higher menu prices and paying waitstaff a straight hourly wage, you would not want that job. Because you can earn more in the volatile tipping system. Embrace it, and quit crying about how some people don’t tip well. Do you cry and

I have worked in plenty of (unskilled) customer service jobs, including multiple restaurants while in high school and college. I have also worked in much more demanding salaried professional jobs. Your boo-hoo pay me more for no reason whining is what’s sad and pathetic. You want more? Be worth more.

That’s neither her logic nor what she said about the situation. That is, however, the way Jez summarized it.

Seems she is as confused about this issue as with many others.

If you take a job for less pay than you actually want to earn, or are fired for not being any good, it’s most likely that you are dumb. I was a waitress for many years because I could earn double or more than I could at any other unskilled job. It’s the reason anyone is a server. If you are worth more, do something

At least in Texas, it’s the law. If someone stabbed me, and I didn’t report it to the police, it wouldn’t make much sense for me to complain that the person was never arrested, would it?