
How should one go about seeing if the company does drug screenings or not? That always been a tricky one for me

I only have one question in a job interview...how much are you gonna pay me? Cuz I ain’t getting out of bed for less than $25....mufucka

Big deal...the world is full of dicks

Some Muslims think we’re not too far removed from that period...you know the whole them being incapable of evolving so they think the world should be like it was when their holy book was written because their blind faith makes them pretty much retarded & if you dare question that book you die

I don’t have kids...I’m 45 & if it hasn’t happened by now...don’t get me wrong I’ve dodged a few bullets & my mother in law puts pressure on my wife occasionally but I stand firm on this one....there is one thing that really bothers me though,this dickhead actually put “whatevs” in print! He should be

I was taught that when in doubt to go for the one that winks not the one that stinks

I have no problem with being called white seeing how I am in fact white...it’s the boy part I have a problem with ...show me any 45 year old man of any color who doesn’t mind being called boy...exactly there aren’t any..hell call me Whitey before you call me White Boy...would a black man like being called Black Boy? I

This doesn’t surprise me ,they have the worst fans in all of professional sports so I guess upper team management is just like Eagles fans...the biggest assh#les on the planet

I’m recently single & about 6 months ago I started working at a bar where a lot of young sluts work & drink & I find it very hard to believe that in the rectum section (hee-hee) my dick wasn’t on that list

I’ve noticed lately & especially around the holidays a large percentage of people seem to have their heads stuck in their rectum...even when shopping & driving

When I was a drinker I never showered in the morning cuz it cut into valuable sleep time...I would shower after work & then go out drinking & do the same thing all over again

I’ve a suggestion to keep you all occupied,learn to swim & I’ll see down in Arizona Bay

I have a sneaking suspicion she was Asian...I could be wrong though,she also could’ve been Middle Eastern...call me a racist I really don’t care

It’s nice of the doctors to give her that reason for not having another child instead of telling her the truth....she needs to stop polluting the earth with your spawn

Every Empire falls eventually....this could be the beginning of Americas fall but I must admit I’m very happy I’m not gonna have to listen to Hillary’s voice for the next 4 years...another thing is this shows just how much America doesn’t like/trust her...I mean she lost to Trump!!! Just think about that for a minute

So I guess next time I’m on a elevator & an attractive woman is on there with me I shouldn’t strike up a conversation with “So are you a 2 or 3 input kind of gal?” or “How’d you like to make $14...the hard way?”

That’s a bunch of malarkey,Aliens did it to have a snowball fight of epic proportions & someone came walking along so they scurried off & had to leave all the snowballs they’d prepared

At least he didn’t call him Mr.Wetback or Mr.Leafblower...everyone pretends to be so offended by every little thing nowadays...lighten up its not that big of a deal

This just in:Man gets herpes from eating too much ice cream

That snake is not very nice....& poo smells bad