Nobody who plays LoL should be allowed to talk.
Nobody who plays LoL should be allowed to talk.
He does have the freedom to say what he wants and he did say it. Freedom to say what you want doesn’t mean there are no consequences or opinions.
I keep seeing people say this, then utterly fail to provide that context. Wanna be the one who breaks that streak?
Kotaku’s Twitch articles are consistently among their highest performing. If you want less of them I’d advise you to stop generating impressions for them.
She should try being a Nazi sympathizer or an anti-vaxxer. Those people never seem to get deplatformed. Probably because they’re not doing anything TRULY evil, like being a woman in a hot tub.
What context could be added to supporting JK Rowling and proclaiming himself “team TERF” that would make it acceptable?
And yes, the paradox of tolerance requires that we be intolerant of intolerance to maximize tolerance. You’re not exactly breaking new ground by saying “so much for the tolerant Left!”
Not supernatural, but scary (and true) as fuck. This has been on my mind after the stories of that young woman killed by someone who worked at her apartment complex.
Okay, here goes. I’m 20 something, walking to my new job through the park. It’s really early in the morning, nobody around. I’m not easily scared, so it didn’t bother me. Anyway, one morning I see a guy in the park, he starts walking toward me then gives me a weird look and beers off at the last minute. I carry on, go…
Can I also plead that we don’t need to know the layout of your entire house to hear about something scary that happened inside? The long, overly detailed and confusing architectural descriptions are nearly a convention at this point.
Quite a few years ago, I was in a very bad relationship with a guy who we will call B. He was all around wrong for me, but I was young and of course I thought I could change him. We had already been dating for a while when I began to suspect he was into some....bad endeavors. Anyway, the final straw came when I found…
I posted this last year hours before the deadline. Doubt many people saw it so I thought I’d post again. Hope that’s cool.
I thiiiink I told this story like ten years ago here, but it may have been somewhere else. Anyway, here it is again!!
I rarely tell this story, because people just chalk it up to the weed and wine, but I was pretty clear-headed when it happened. What I saw may not qualify as a ghost, but it was something. Anyhow.
This happened when I was around seven and living in a small farm town outside of Chicago. Each night I’d go to bed and from the ceiling above me a little girl, in the shape of a shadow, would watch me. I recall she had this curly untamed hair and no facial features, but she definitely read as a little girl around my…
*tinfoil hat* Facebook’s outages eclipses the Whistleblower news/search results that they are, in fact, evil and weaponizing depression..... which is really convenient timing
Yes, there is simply no place in popular culture for cis male horniness anymore. Straight porn no longer exists. You can’t even Google it. Trust me, I’ve tried. Sports illustrated swimsuit issues? Gone. They no longer make them because our culture HATES the straight male gaze.
The whole thing, eh?
The idea that heavily tattooed people will regret their tattoos in their old age is pretty hilarious given that, according to the people I know in those age brackets, those are the years when you give the least fucks.
I’m surprised someone so precious even bothers with the internet. You must be scandalized on an hourly basis!
I can’t wait to not play this game, and continue playing FF14 instead. It’s going to be great.