
The point that most folks are missing that many (and I’d argue most) people do pay to play. For anyone who is a daily player of Genshin Impact over the past year, you hands down pay at least $5.00 per month for the Welkin pass, otherwise you are shorting yourself a good deal of primogems each month, especially

His first ex-wife sounded the alarms about him over a decade ago. He’s a giant piece of shit.

You are diminishing Arab lives and Arab history. Wherever Judaism may have begun, by and large the Zionists who sought to create a Jewish state in what was then Mandatory Palestine were not from there in any meaningful sense of the word. They migrated to land that was already occupied by real, living human beings,

It’s not great that she voted “present” instead of taking a stand, and it’s not great that she apparently did so for cynical political reasons (also, in the end, it’s not going to stop the criticism, it’s just a matter of changing the attack ad copy from “AOC voted ‘No’ on protecting Israeli lives” to “AOC refused to

Epic lost way more than Apple did on this case. Epic has an uphill battle on appeal. To say that both sides “lost” is technically true, but not reporting the specifics and magnitude of the losses is a disservice to the readers as thewhole picture” isn’t clear.

Of the original 10 counts Epic raised against Apple, the

The Uma Thurman story is too important to be a part of a blog full of celebrity gossip.

I’m not here to countenance reasonable opinions, just to make smart remarks.

Yes, because we all know that embracing fandom is far, far worse. Why work with your fanbase when you can just be litigious as hell?

The first X-Files movie is awesome.

Sad, predictable end for her and her family. The limits of benevolent sexism and any privilege society may give women is on display here. She looks the right part. She did every thing right and took a male “guardian” with her, she had the right family who cared about. Still she ended up murdered. Beyond getting people

I don’t know if I agree. If the incident doesn’t hurt AB’s bottom line, why would they feel any market pressure to change? Why would other companies not look at the situation and say “well it didn’t really hurt them in the long run.” When your modus operandi is financial in nature, the only way to get through is to

Nah, the players have literally no legal standing in this case.  There’s nothing to understand.  They’re 100% wrong.

This article spends a lot of time centering the queerness of the purported victim without mentioning at any point that Delevingne is also queer.

It’s worth covering, because what Kelly did is standard among sexual predators (Made even worse by having enough money to ensure having enablers who would do his bidding) and if there’s one girl or boy out there who is reading this coverage and it helps them realize that they or someone they know is involved with a

Gods, in this instance Frost Giants, aren’t HUMAN.  Other depictions of this character have shown her with blue skin.  So, if the character isn’t technically ANY race, why are you upset her skin is Black?  This is the same character who gave birth to literal monsters.  Are you going to get pissed because her wolf and

Simple.  Because blackwashing is not a thing.  It doesn’t exist.  

Chinese government is doing bad things, so Argentinian should be allowed to be racist against Chinese? Or just trying to cover up your own racism against Chinese under the guise of virtue signalling?

Perhaps because this is a gaming site and a content creator engaging in racially charged abuse is far more relevant.  The plight of the Uyghurs is certainly of great importance, but engaging in whataboutism doesn’t help in any way.

They are two different ethnicities and nationalities, yes. 

The fact that Tenha’s not Chinese at all kinda makes the complaint that it might not be a slur in Argentina rather moot.