
Making (and making bank off) a sex tape in your twenties and showing off your body is nowhere near as bad as a mentally ill, deeply narcissistic father who abuses his offspring through his own performative delusions of anguished grandeur. I was the kid of such a parent and believe me, I WISH the worst of their sins

“...Her job is to make [her subjects] look good,”

Um, then don’t watch movies or TV shows, either. Or really, any form of entertainment whatsoever. Or really, don’t consume anything, at all. Try to live off drinking only river water only.

His ramblings remind me of those of my late uncle, who was a paranoid schizophrenic. Not saying that Kanye is a paranoid schizophrenic, but mental health issues are definitely present.

I agree! It sucks I have to write like that to avoid getting sued for libel, and I wish I could comfortably use different language!

I mean, it had NO marketing. I never saw anything about it until “hey this game just came out!”, so I dunno what they were expecting? You’d think someone at Amazon would understand how generating hype for a product would work.

Now playing

Hazel, I wish you hadn’t touched this topic. I know the Kimmel thing keeps getting tossed around on Jez, and if you had read the comments on those prior pieces you wouldn’t be looking this foolish.

Everybody knows that Kimmel was that guy. Corolla is still that guy. The difference (and one that should make all of us

Maybe Twitch has finally realized that the platform is big enough that it doesn’t need to indulge individual celebrity assholes to survive.

Jenny Slate did a good job with Missy and played her respectfully. But this is the right move. 


There are many shows, cited in this story, that draw attention to amazing world cuisines and the people behind them. The specific focus of this series is the specific foods that have crossed over to ‘American mainstream’ acceptance and are readily available in strip malls, food courts, etc. - in a form that is almost

For some insights into George and Martha Washington as slave owners, I highly recommend the book “Never Caught” by Erica Armstrong Dunbar. Dunbar documents the decades-long, unrelenting fight the Washington’s waged for the return of Ona Judge who ran away from their Philadelphia home. 

I am not sure why people are so adamant about a remaster for a very recent series. Those games exist. They’re still good. Go play them.

It... seems kind of insane that you would ask your children not to have families so that you don’t have anxiety about their safety. Everything else sounds reasonable but that one... no.

it if we could get to a point where you can just be an asshole and everyone universally acknowledges that you’re an asshole and treats you as such, but that didn’t have to mean you’d basically have to lose your career over it.

Where do I go to file charges against the assault on my eyes that has been perpetrated by the sight of these meth-addled, toothless, knuckle-dragging, ass-hair braiding examples of white supremacy?

I know it’s kind of a staple in the Indiana Jones-ish adventure genre, but maybe we should just retire the “savage tribal enemy wearing a scary mask” trope in general? I remember playing Borderlands 2 a while back and playing the Hammerlock Big Game Hunt expansion and mowing through these enemies thinking “wow, this

Every time I read another one of these I feel like some dude out there is saying to himself ‘and that’s why women shouldn’t run shit.’