
His criminal history is irrelevant. What IS relevant was the cop continuing to knee him down over a prolonged period of time preventing him from breathing, even after George clearly indicated as such, and while his colleagues stood by and did nothing.

What the fuck is wrong with this woman? What business is it of hers what anyone else chooses to do with their body? It just seems really strange to me that she would decide she’s a warrior for this side of this issue, especially given some of the lessons of HP as elucidated by Daniel Radcliffe.

with no release date in sight and the announcement coming up on one year almost, that’s a copout tho.

I like this idea. They are not just using their reach and influence to say things that may or may not appear performative, they are pretty much giving their own voice to people who do not really have one, and letting them speak their truth.

I’ve spent a few evenings watching a white journalist reporting from Portland, OR, saw him teargassed a few times but it never had me worried for his safety. Last night I saw Michael Harriot’s tweet that he’d been arrested, and I was more worried about a stranger than I’ve ever been. It was a relief to see

You left out a key element of this. The official report first stated that the man “tripped and fell”... that Is, until the video emerged.

Either the author isn’t fluent in Sarcasm, or they have some kind of other issue with Pompeo.

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

Awe, sheeet. basement dwelling white boys are gonna be hella pissed...

Right, so many memories and so much money put into that home that you’ve never spoken to its resident until the house made national news.

lmao dude what 

We can’t afford to be perceived as enemies of law and order.

Good on you for posting this knowing well there will be lots of people screeching about “I come to Kotaku for games journalism, not social justice”.  Everyone needs to pay attention, all ages, all races, all religions.  Only when people are paying attention will they actually comprehend what is going on around them.

Good choice going with heather. I’m in the minority but I think silent hill 3 was really good.

Look out everyone there’s a badass in the comments section

This crisis you’ve been suppressing isn’t meant to be resolved, it’s meant to be endured.

I think the harassment is the thing they are talking about specifically. Being harassed can effect how people play games. I’m not sure how that’s hard to comprehend. Of course this mostly pertains to competitive gaming with randoms, not organised play.

I think it has some merit and some flaws too, but nothing wrong

Cats > Dogs > Garrett

No-knock raids should be illegal.

Wait, Valorant isn’t the second coming? Tell that to the FPS community...