They've named the baby Joffrey.
They've named the baby Joffrey.
It sounds like rage is your drug of choice.
Totally true. In fact, I'm an avid long distance runner - including some full and now a half marathon - and I'll never get my six-pack back due to my ardor for beer and BBQ. I also go to the gym 4-5 times a week, still no six-pack like in my earlier twenties.
I think it's cute how the writer really believes that the Internet forced the hand of Dubai officials and got this woman out of jail.
I'd rather they did show it, but if they do, it would also forever kill Donna's mystique. So, there's that.
A few times she's run into the people she's hooked up. I think during the disaster preparedness episode a firefighter comes up to her and she pretty much dismisses him. I think they'd have to present her being in a relationship as she's reforming from her 'player' past.
Exactly. Donna's that officemate who half enjoys/half is annoyed by the fact that she knows everything about everyone she works with (cause they bring their shit to the office) while know on really knows anything about her. She has a secret life where she watches Game of Thrones, and has a condo in Seattle, and a…
I hear ya, but then her personality makes up for it, because she rocks! It's like they open as if it's a joke, but the way Retta plays it, she transforms it from punchline to star!!!
I always through the joke was that she has a rich, glamorous personal life that she doesn't share with the rest of the office. Like her Mercedes, or the fact that Ginuwine is her cousin.
I don't think anyone who isn't an addict actually understands what it's like.
Amen. It makes everyone else look like hot messes, mixing up work and relationships. Not Donna. She's a stone cold player.
The Meagles are very private people
WHOA WHOA WHOA. I wasn't even talking to you. I can smell an irrational and futile conversation and I'm staying away from it so please leave me alone.
Thank you for saying this.
Not only that (and you are right, pretty much every episode passed the Bechdel test), but the show also used Miranda to poke fun at itself for focusing so much on men and relationships in an episode in Season 2 where she storms out on them for only talking about boyfriends over brunch. The show wasn't perfect by any…
I agree with Pigasus elsewhere in this thread. Also wanted to add that in pop culture you either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become a villain. See: madonna, Michael Jackson, a lot of washed up TV stars.
Yup, it's the "Seinfeld is Unfunny" effect.…
That can't be true. I'm not saying it was a bastion of amazing feminist issue ladies-only convos, but I genuinely don't believe that not a single episode featured a scene where the characters talked about something other than men (which is my understanding of the Bechdel test). What about when Miranda's mother died?…
I thought SatC was an amazing show. The writing was brilliant. I never cared for the stupid fashion or the stupid places they would go. But as a form of contemporary social analysis of the 30-somethings in the big city, it was an amazing work of social critique spread over 6 (was it six?) seasons.