Ugh. I know they do serious journalism. Stop replying the same thing that 5 other people have already said and read. Their bread and butter is pop culture. 99.99999% of the time their covers are of celebrities. Get real dude. No one is pissed they wrote the article, they're pissed about the cover image.
That doesn't make it any better.
See my reply to LottaOtter above.
Yeah. They could have published the same story and made their point equally well without putting that image on the cover. They did it for publicity because they knew it would be controversial. Not because it added anything essential to the story itself.
Context. Rolling Stone is a pop culture magazine which has glamor pics of rock stars and celebrities on the cover 99.9999999% of the time.
So... not as good?
My understanding is that it's a proven fact that the publicity, notoriety and fame given to criminals and terrorists is a huge motivating factor for them. So I'm really fucking sick of the media pulling this shit.
It must be so fucking weird to be Kate Middleton right now.
Who knows, she could have caused the bruises herself. If she was in a coke rage then she could have been kicking things and tripping over things. Or they could be bruises she got when her boyfriend tried to defend himself. Or, she could be like me and just wind up with mysterious bruises all the time. I'm not sure the…
I really want to know what this thing was that shouldn't work but did... ?
If you aren't interested in your lady's life and she's faking her orgasms then why are you together?
I know it's a controversial hair style, but top knots FTW! The only way to survive this is to get all of your hair as far away from your neck as possible.
I fucking loved that show. :(
That's looking on the bright side! My skin loves this weather too.
Diet Dr Pepper is pretty damn good. I think Coke Zero has a bit more flavor though. Fresca is the best fruit flavored diet soda IMO. But my fav has to be diet Root Beet, either A&W or Barq's. I love me some diet soda.
They're both really really good. I think Barqs is a bit more 'rooty' and spicy whereas A&W is more sweet and desserty. Hopefully that makes sense.
You speaketh the truth.