I just tend to think of it as biological brainwashing. That makes me feel better when sanctimonious mothers get on their high horse.
I just tend to think of it as biological brainwashing. That makes me feel better when sanctimonious mothers get on their high horse.
Wow, so all of these white teenagers from Scripps Ranch High School in San Diego California are really experts on the culture of dance in West Africa? PUH-lease. Like everything else that has ever been culturally appropriated they've destroyed what was beautiful and meaningful about it and have made it as crass as…
We were specifically talking about oral herpes though. Which unfortunately they don't have a number on. But they do estimate that 81.1% of people don't know they have herpes- which goes to your earlier point. Regardless, you insist the statistics from the experts are meaningless. I'm pretty sure your opinion is…
Are you a conspiracy theorist or something?
Pretty sure the whole Zuckerberg strategy is to end anonymity on the web.
You are ridiculous. I think I'll take all the experts' words over yours.
No, it's not an urban myth. You can be a carrier and have no symptoms.
Oral herpes. If you've kissed more than three people in your life you probably have it too.
I suppose one can look at it all that way but I can't. Dance is an artistic endeavor and in terms of artistry, there is none to be found here. This is simply a simulation of sex acts. I can't believe this takes much skill- though it's probably a good workout. I guess it all comes down to what you consider art. Can you…
Ha ha! Actually that makes me feel a bit better about all this. They're all still idiots though.
I guess. It's hard to argue this isn't a lot more suggestive than that. Plus, are guys twerking too? I've only seen girls and women doing this so far.
So basically, twerking is really "let me show you how I fuck." They're essentially giving each other previews of their skills in the sack. Count me in with The Olds. Kids today are idiots.
I agree with you. Apparently that movie went straight over most people's heads.
What others have said. But also, check out some pictures of Crystal Renn. When she's plus size her face fills out a tiny bit, but looks like it belongs on a 'thin' girl. And when she's straight sized her face looks as if it belonges on a very underweight model's body.
Isn't this the inevitable result of any business model in the sex industry? It only works if the performer is willing to provide what someone wants and is willing to pay for. The same problem exists in the adult film business model as well. It's just a different dude (or lady) telling them what they want.
It gets its fair share of well-deserved criticism but that's a far cry from "critically panned and universally derided." But yes, the correspondents dinner is pretty much a three ring circus anyhow.
I've never seen that show but that mental image has ruined everything, forever.
She's probably at the White House Correspondent's dinner because she went to school for journalism and plays an awesome character on the awesome show 'The Newsroom.' The fact that she's more known for being a babe on some dude show says more about us than it does about her. It's sad, really.
It's not about the act itself so much as the idea that staring into bright lights before bed is going to be disruptive to sleep. It's pretty widely accepted that screen time near bed time is not a great idea. And yet we all seem to do it anyway.
Turn off the TV and read a book.