
I agree but the nerve is correct for an over grown man handle to a child like that! A disabled one at that! The nerve of that guy and people like him to do the hateful shit that we see them do seems like everyday. If I had some pearls to clutch I would rather choke that animal with a badge with them.

I know union rules dictate that an investigation needs to take place but I don’t understand what could possibly necessitate treatment of a disabled person without arms and legs like this?”

That’s beyond nerve. “The nerve!” is what pearl-clutching white women say when they feel moderately slighted. This is fucking appalling. Like even if I gave this cop the benefit of the doubt-which the video removes-I can’t imagine what the hell any quadriplegic could do that would call for them to be tackled and

I’m waiting for the race realists to declare that black people are SO animalistic and aggressive, that even a quadruple amputee poses a threat to a white cop with a gun.

Same thing they do for mass shootings, “he was a lone wolf/acting alone, has mental health issues, etc.” They’ll never admit to the systemic problem.

It’s too bad we can’t take Deputy Pig Nazi’s arms and legs and give them to this poor child.

Considering they’re all racist/bigoted bags of shit that are literally hand in hand with those who went along with the Nazi party's fascism... I doubt they'll give a fuck about some kid in a group home.

Lord even with no arms and legs, they find a reason to do what they do. I guess they figured he was going to produce a gun from hammerspace and somehow fire it with his tongue.

I wonder how the Blue Lives Matter crowd are going to snap their spines, bending over backwards, to defend this shit.

That officer is an animal and he needs to be locked in a cage. What can he do with no arms and legs?!?!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!?!?!? Seriously! The nerve!

The only thing I liked about the Spicer cameo was how much it must have pissed off Agent Orange.

If he knew he was doing the wrong thing, how does that make it better?

It’s not like he stumbled into the job unknowingly. Or that he didn’t peddle Trump’s lies to the American people EVERY DAY FOR MONTHS.

Nah, this is just a game to them. Once a player is off the field, everybody’s friends.

*Riz Ahmed, not Raz Ahmed.

The thing is, even if there was video it wouldn’t matter. Only racists are demanding video evidence, and if it was there, they’d say “well, we don’t know what happened before the camera started rolling”, or they’d just decide to not give a shit because that racist cop is only saying what they all WANT to say.

yet, they’re going to ignore that he was *illegally* giving his 14 yr old driving lessons, and then takes it upon himself to arrest someone?

*eyeroll* @ the grays wanting proof of him calling her a black bitch, but if there WAS video of him calling her a black bitch they’d ignore it because they don’t know what happened before the video started and she could have provoked him.

That’s so real. My grandmother used to say that it all comes clean in the wash.

Discovering whether the Hunt County DA is going to go to bat for the office intern against the sheriff of a city in the same County might be a learning experience for the aspiring prosecutor, Pageant Queen.