
Seen it already, came out weeks before in Mexico. I have to tell (IMO) the movie is not as bad as some critics are saying, yes, it's a waste of time, but it's not boring at all. It doesn't make a lot of sense, but I even found myself thinking: hey! they found out an excuse to incorporate Charlize Theron into this

Wait, there's something I don't understand. Annalise knowing about Frank being responsible for the accident that killed her child. From what Laurel told her, she realizes that Sam made Frank kill Lila, but does she automatically knows it's because Franks owns Sam for not telling her this secret? I mean she's pretty

I think what he said was "pretending this was the best relationship he ever had". Which doesn't mean Connor doesn't love Oliver, just that he has had better relationships.
I guess it has to do with Connor not "doing boyfriends" as he used to say back in Season 1, he seems to be overprotecting Oliver maybe because he

"There was no explanation for that random werewolf looking thing that
fought Malia. I didn't get it until somebody on this message board said
that he was the one who started the rampage in the school"
actually, I think that guy with bone claws coming out of his hand was locked in the hospital, right? then he broke out

the actor had a full agenda and left this show (or maybe just this season?)

"Is one of the zombies the talky chimera who was locked up with Liam and Hayden?"
The zombie chimeras I recognized were: Hayden (?), Tracy (Kanima), that guy Theo killed on the rooftop (Wendigo) and Cory (Chameleon?). Which is a shame because there were other characters with more potential: Lucas (Scorpion?) was very

the first time I heard the Dread Doctors saying "Hayden" I thought they were saying Aiden (who appeared in the season premiere as a disguise of Dr Valack) which made it even more confusing!!!

Lydia's memory is a fake, right? or a hallucination. We know Lydia's grandma was suffocated by Bronski, there's even a tape of it! She drilling a hole in her head could only be a contradiction..

"Ricky, Bella’s second victim and attempted rapist, turns out to be a
Klaustreich. At some point I want to see a chart that tells us exactly
how many Wesen are in Portland and if that number is the global norm or
far in excess."

the ending was a big letdown for me.. they just admit Cold will keep Barry's identity a secret… ok so nothing really happened! lame ending.
oh, and Firestorm won't be in the spinoff, just Dr. Whatever-he's-called, Ronnie Raymond is mysteriously absent

you mean Pepper?

I thought it was the Penny Plunderer!

it's also very frustrating that she can't turn into a full coyote wollingly, i mean she transformed into one when she was a little girl
also, she should have different abilities, not just being like any other wolf in the pack…

OMG! i had totally forgotten the mountain ash scene!
maybe because… as many other scenes, it didn't lead no nothing