
I understand that actual disabled people may have moments where they consider this, and obviously that’s valid. But depressed people, and people struggling with financial problems, and people trapped in situations they hate consider it, too. Validating those feelings doesn’t mean killing yourself is OK.

Silly goose, everyone knows that women are lyin’ whores by nature, that's why! /s

Even with all the makeup and photoshop her face is just… ugh. It’s simian. I always found it interesting that the richest people in the world are also the most unattractive. I guess they need to have something substantial to compensate for that ugly mug.

You’re the one who tried to argue that being supportive of just one female politician negates any possible misogyny towards others. I and PeachLorraine are pointing out how incredibly reductive and myopic that argument is. Most misogynists don’t reject women wholesale. Hell, a lot of misogynists happen to be women too.

I’m certain that Donald Trump and Ted Cruz adore their wives and daughters. Like, they would take a bullet for them. That doesn’t negate the fact that they’re still misogynist pigs.

Because he’s a really shit lawyer who doesn’t know how to build a case. That he thought it was a good idea to drag an unrelated party into this mess solely because she has something in common with his client should tell you everything you need to know about his competence as a lawyer. That’s a mistake not even a

He didn’t “confirm” anything. He pulled that straight out of his ass because Gaga went public with the fact that she’d been raped by a producer when she was 19, and he was desperate for anything to bolster his client’s case. So he concluded that Dr Luke must have been her rapist, because of course he’s the only male

Hopefully she wises up quickly and dumps that asshole. Interesting that he doesn’t find it gross that he sticks his penis into that very same vagina he’s so grossed out by.

Oh god, another annoying mansplainer. Fuck off.

You have a point about him omitting the fact that he’s privileged enough to have a nanny, but you’re reaching with the “play” part. I’m sure he meant it in the sense of “work vs play”, or just spending time with his children doing the little things that parents with a less hectic schedule may take for granted. I

And yet your belief about the state of her body is the root of the problem. A deep-seated belief in the inferiority of disabled people. You believe that this woman has made herself inferior to what she was before, so you believe that that’s so sick it shouldn’t be allowed.

I’m willing to bet that this is a situation you’ve never actually had to contend with, right? It’s usually only people who’ve never had to fight the battle passing judgment on those in difficult situations for not making what the ignorant outsider deems to be the “easy” or “correct” choice. Like others have said,

Yeah, it's SO racist when your ilk are being deprived of their right to shoot black people. Gosh, why can't everyone realize that it's racist to prevent white people from oppressing other races?

Like most racists, he's playing dumb and simply doesn't give a shit.

LMAO. Thanks for showing your ass. Of course you disagree with BLM, you’re literally rationalizing the sanctioned murder of black people by outright saying it’s their own fault. You literally might as well just say “If you niggers got in line like we told you to, then maybe we wouldn’t have to shoot y’all”. I bet you

No one here seems to have the balls to tell you this, so I will: you are fucking insufferable. Literally all your posts in this thread are either your boasting of your ~oh so sophisticated~and European palate or your passive aggressive bashing of people who eat what you deem to be inferior food. Even scarier is the

Only on this fucking site will so called feminists make a victim out of a man who uses misogyny as his weapon of choice. Who needs MRAs when there are useful idiots like you?