Just what they want us to do. Never complain. Never arc up. Never think twice. Just keep calm and carry on. Prole.
Just what they want us to do. Never complain. Never arc up. Never think twice. Just keep calm and carry on. Prole.
Lol! reading this again now I sounded like a complete douche. I was just getting so frustrated by not being about to use a website I've been visiting daily for years. I couldn't see that little blog view button and I didn't know you could just add blog.lifehacker/gizmodo/jalopnik/kotaku to default to the blog view.…
Go to XDA Developer Forums, find the ROM you want (in my case, being a GS2 owner Lite'ning ROM was the best choice [arguable? Yeah! Shut up!]. This is the best website for finding information on this topic. If you are a douche newbie who asks silly questions without reading the thread first, expect ot get flamed. But…
Gawker you stupid sons of mother f|||||g b|||||s. I just got use to clicking the stupid little icon to a) get a functional fuc|||g website that actually f||cking works, and now you go and remove that icon so I'm stuck with a piece of steaming turd homepage with the articles that are somehow deemed as top articles. How…
And put a little 2-stroke, like a lawnmower, in the back so as it goes past people can only hear a lawnmower engine :)
Grěãt! Thanks :)
Great! Thank you :)
Please elaborate with some instructions :) I would like to use these functions
You own the wrong phone. They learned from the Galaxy S1. I watched and waited and finally decided to go Android with the Galaxy S2. Boy, was that the right decision. 4 months on and I'm still head-over-heels in love with this phone. I played with GS1s and wasn't a fan, but they really must have learned from their…
Thou shalt not state the unspoken intent of a joke thus rendering said joke obvious
That orange bubble is the atmosphere
Very similar sentiment to the one I was about to express. I concur.
Gina, this is a brilliant write up. I'm going to reference this page in a lecture to my students about note-taking. Very, very well summarised. (P.S. I know this post is old, but someone may read the comment. Who knows, you may we read it yourself)
Am I the only one that sees a strong R35 GTR resemblance?
Hey, at least I pointed out that I was being a douche :D
Aha! Douche comment by me. You were correcting Lazurus511. I didn't quite catch on.
You just corrected your own spelling, but you were right the first time lol! "there" was correct.
Yeah, I can see that happening for sure. Just random outbursts of "WHAT THE F*(K WAS THAT?!?!"
I could seriously be tempted into getting this for gaming. It means I could leave the big LED TV in the living room for the family, then indulge in the odd game of MW3 or BF3 on my own, in 3D, on a 750inch screen in surround sound, without annoying anyone in the world...except all the 14 year old bad-mouth punks I'd…
T-shirt and jeans. Really the most unique of looks. C'mon guys. You're scratching the bottom of the barrel here. I know it's fun to bag out China, but c'mon...seriously...