

Can we have a TL;DR please :)

Well, it doesn't really FORCE you to take the side streets. You still have free will. You can choose to look ahead at the root and ignore it's advice.

But what stake do you have in the company. Do you own shares? Did you sit at a general meeting and vote against the board?

It could be nerds like you being completely unreasonable fuck-wits, attributing the fall in a company with one person and harassing that person as a result.

Although I've agreed with everything you said until now, the use of the term "le sigh" has unfortunately relegated to a bad, bad place.

I apologise in advance because I don't have time right now to read the source article, but are you suggesting that some people brainstorm and then simply choose one of the ideas at random?

I knew that was in Australia (or maybe New Zealand, but I'm pretty sure Aus) just by looking at the fence and the grass.

At least the didn't put it to AWOLNATION's SAIL again

I illegitimately feel sick just thinking about that

Please explain how your fear of bugs is legitimate. It's not that I doubt you, it's just that I want to know if someone can have an illegitimate fear of bugs.

You just turn on right-click in preferences. I couldn't tolerate a computer with no dedicated right-click. Macbooks definitely have a dedicated right-click.

I believe it's called "Ren Rou So Suo", human flesh search. [人肉搜索]

I wonder which Chinese university. They've got some relatively highly ranked universities on a global scale ([www.timeshighereducation.co.uk]). It would be completely ignorant and irrational to assume that all Chinese universities issue false or biased study results.

Lol! Nice translation.

Yes. You did read the part about it being able to withstand a magnitude 9 earthquake right? What makes you think it will fall down?

33 people died. Facts my friend, facts. They are important when you are trying to make a point.

OK bro, well next time just pose your questions in a way that isn't so confrontational. Maybe something like "Hmmm. Interesting point. I don't entirely agree with you, and I can't see the relevance, but please explain your perspective a little more". You know. Something that doesn't sound like trollololing.

Sorry. Had to post this.