
honestly, not as many chicks as i expected. 2/10

a lot of chicks in this one. some of them were abused, and a few were in a hospital and a couple of zombs but overall a good number of chicks. i'd say 7/10 easy. can't wait to see D win back his chick.

chicks. sweet.

are there hot girls

removed for content~~~~

are there hot girls

yeah 4get freedom of speech lolz

She has no points though. She's just complaining about something most users on this site are already aware of… all she's doing is slating people who are ignorant (who will remain ignorant) and alienating those of the opposite sex who are inclined to agree with her. She begs no questions, she promotes no genuine

I wouldn't call it tone policing so much as I would say that she comes off as just another asshole who isn't actually helping society move forward in any way. People who agree with her will continue to agree with her and she'll just piss off those that don't. She raises no questions, she doesn't seem to endorse actual

You are entitled to your opinion, though I find it tired and somewhat close-minded. The most successful, respected leaders of progressive movements have always been careful not to hold themselves above others and to promote working together as a means of solving solutions. Esposito doesn't have to be MLK, Mother

I think it's mostly the self-righteous tone she takes on that puts people off. Though hopelessly hopeful, it is nonetheless true that love, positivity, and amicable relationships between people of different backgrounds will reverse thousands upon thousands of years of psychology. Esposito doesn't seem interested in

mechanic Jeff Goldblum.. not bad, my man!

urff hmm *tinkers around* hmmmm *clank clank clank* ahhh *tap tap tap*

I don't think it's being sensitive about gay jokes so much as it is being sensitive towards the fact that the show has been a shell of its former self. As with race relations, there's clever satire and then there's… well, frankly, shit. Boondocks season 4 has consistently been the latter.

this is totally off-base… needs a rewrite where the entirety of the movie takes place inside an AIM chatroom.

Greenbo AlabAMA!!!

except that New Vegas was completely underwhelming compared to Fallout 3…

lol get a life bro like seriously nobody cares its tarantinos script let him do what he wants. this you by the way???