Pierre NyGaard

I appreciate Young Pope's stance on Coke Zero vs. Diet Coke.

I don't blame her, with the woman in front of her damn near blocking her out of the shot.

I was happy that they handled the Valencia issue in a way that shows that there's conflict but that their recently-developed friendship wasn't so easily toppled because that would feel cheap.

This was one of my favorite episodes, and I also just found out that we're getting a Season 3.

Josh calling out FB for being defined by his relationship with Jesus was pretty stellar.

We needed a new Greg. This is a good way to have Greg's snark with a completely different character archetype.

I just noticed for the first time tonight that the dancer to the left of Rebecca on the 🎵"She's an ingenue!"🎵 line almost falls over before they cut to a new shot.

This episode is an A. I will not allow you to tell me otherwise. This episode is an A.

Good answer.

Serious question: What shows don't you watch?

> Becky (bad talk, good wrestle)

Well, yeah. But also, Alexa just isn't that good in the ring yet.

SmackDown Wild Card Finals were a blast.

They get around to touching on it, but it's still a bit of a loose end.

I liked Person of Interest. I went through all the trouble of binging it on Netflix only to discover that it had actually just ended. Go figure.

Yeah, I mean, I'd be ready for that kind of thing now. Just not at like age 7 lol

I can't tell if you're setting up the joke or if I'd be restating it.

I could never get past Chapter 1 because it kept talking about tesseracts, and I had no idea what that meant, and that really bothered me as a child.

Stwike him, Centuwion!

Hits both demographics, I suppose, which makes it perfect for that question.