Pierre NyGaard

It's getting better. Still not exactly appointment television, but to be fair, I'm not really sure Supergirl is either at this point.

They still had juggler brains left over from the magician episode.

"musical guest Rob Thomass"

My DVR series priority for CW shows (so weird, right?) is currently:

(And also she was a good character who would have added to the overall dynamic.)

He was very much regular Blaine for most of tonight. We're sure he's back to human, right? Cause sniper Blaine seemed like Blaine on brains.

Nah, I was trying to figure it out both times. It was firmly in my mind. Gotta be a team player here.

Thought so too. Was almost disappointed when it was Vivian.

Okay, is this a euphemism, or…?

The montage with them shooting all the zombies was fun in a way that most zombie shows never come close to touching.

There was so much potential in Gildarita being a snarky, reluctant member of the gang because she has nowhere better to be.

Yeah, I was disappointed by that decision. Same with Rob Thomas, but at least that had a payoff.


Right. I need to watch Season 2, now that everything's ending.

That's fantastic.

Or humorously dark. Take your pick.

It's just a good thing they have a backup Rob Thomas.

Also, the episode is on Showtime. Just cause.


Speaking of people having an affinity for the 80s, I recently found out about… well, Dale Bozzio.