What about Ni No Kuni?
What about Ni No Kuni?
Someone who knows science best should suggest more clinical terms like developing fertilized zygote. Just keep offering up every variations further and further away from baby.
Yep. They’re so obvious. I was talking about it on the phone earlier to my mom and suggested they start using the phrase “fertilized ovum”. Take that, Trump administration! We’ll just come up with ways to make a fetus sound even *less* babylike!
We are headed for the Uncanny Butt Crack, if we aren’t already there.
“We need to vote our asses off in 2018"
“Fetus” -> “Blastocyst American”
The fetus thing really shows their hand for me. They want the literature to use the term baby, or unborn person, or some kind of language along that line as a way to erode abortion rights. Orwell really nailed this on the head, and it’s terrifying. I’m totally on board for them using “foetus”, which is not the same…
Not to be confused with the Millennial Falcon, which lives in its parent’s hangar until it turns 26.
Yes, miserable troll-person. You’re the ONLY person who read—not heard that because that’s not what I wrote. And how miserable must you be to literally wait around for something to pretend-argue about less than 5 minutes after I posted it. Sucks to be you. Another transparent troll bites the dust. Buh bye now.
I totally agree. American and Delta are two airlines that won’t get any money from me in the future. And—one doesn’t have to remail calm or rational while being mistreated, after having spent *money* on a service. Why is it that the customer, especially when black, has to remain level-headed in the midst of…
Looks to me like he got his gross opinions thoroughly repudiated by 30 other people, which is kind of how this thing is supposed to work. At this point, seeing him repeatedly told how and why he’s wrong and just how many people think he’s an asshole is more useful as a deterrent than just deleting the thread.
In the…
Your true self sucks.
Let’s not forget about the Japanese internment camps of WWII either. It’s crazy how little attention all of this gets, even growing up in California and going to good schools.
From: shawley142
The passage you’ve cited is the single best part of the article. It gets right to the heart of explaining why there is this uncomfortable, sometimes dangerous interplay between the sexes when it comes to sexual relationships and encounters.
I like this story. It’s very “capitalist” vs. “socialist” in nature, and it’s fascinating to see that play out in an MMO as opposed to real life.
Can this please count?
I started D&D on the first edition when I was twelve. I happen to be female. It was our habit to draw a representation of our characters and use them as screens so that other players couldn’t see your notes / character sheets. Myself and the other female player always drew our characters (not well) in the usual half…
You know how fiction works, right?
The nature of nice is fixed and can't ever be reformed. Reformed Nice Guys are just guys that got wise to the fact that trying to get pity fucked is frustrating and ultimately too much work.