This is very stupid, but as an Effective Meeting Management enthusiast, I giggled.
This is very stupid, but as an Effective Meeting Management enthusiast, I giggled.
Please take all the time you need, Drew! Health and family are the most important. We’ll come up with our own Dad-rants and gametime snacks for now.
One high-carb foodstuff to another, thanks, friend.
Albert - I have gotten a lot of joy out of your work on this site. Your HitchBot takedown is to this day one of my favorite things I have ever read on the Internet, and your writing is a big part of how I got to be a passionate NBA fan. This piece is all true, and good, and like all of your work, well-written.
I logged in to Kinja for the first time in years to say the first paragraph is a work of art, thank you.
I dug up my ancient burner to post about the Nest. That is the PERFECT kind of gift for a busy adult, ESPECIALLY if he does the install/setup too. “I want this kind of expensive home improvement thing, but first we gotta comparison shop and then install it and figure out how it works... oh you solved that entire…
Hi Donna - I’m logging in for the first time in months to thank you for this article. It’s an admirably moderate and intelligent take on a charged topic. I’ve forwarded it to my dad, with whom I’ve had some charged debates on the topic myself. Looking forward to more of your excellent writing!
"I do disagree with the fact that Billy is a homosexual."
I disagree; the "LOLLAKERS" tag has given me many giggles so far in this young season. Play on, Albert.
Kate Beaton of Hark! a Vagrant expresses this phenomenon perfectly:
4. Cyclists Not Wearing Helmets in Traffic.
I am on a year-plus long avocado bender, and recently made this excellent tuna salad, which replaces most of the cream/mayo with avocado. I'll bet it would be equally tasty with chicken.