
Nope they're lying too. I know because Keith Olberman told me so.

We have become a society that just runs hair on fire from one outrage to the next, trying to inflict as much damage on everyone involved as possible before the next outrage comes along. I guess it makes people feel good about themselves. Weird times we live in.

Keith Olberman is self-important bloviating gas-bag. If there is another NFL fan in the world who thinks his season has been rendered irrelevant by this scandal I'd be shocked. Keith needs to go back to living in mother's basement and leave us all alone.

Sen. Claire McCaskill, a former law and order prosecutor herself, said on the Lawrence O'Donnell show a couple weeks ago the district attorney will not personally participate in the grand jury proceedings, but rather the state will be represented by two senior lawyers from his office including the senior African

God I love Gawker Media. The amount of ignorant hubris it takes to attempt to claim the moral high ground on the stolen personal photos while simultaneously linking to the photos and providing a guide to the victims is stunning. I would not have thought it possible to be so incredibly tone deaf while being equally

I think it is cute how Gawker thinks the world completely exists in a vacuum without things like Supreme Court decisions, volumes of administrative regulations, insurance requirements, labor union demands, and centuries old (well 2 1/2 at least) laws about executive power. The child like naivety is refreshing. Just