Thanks for saying it out loud Matt. He's just another empty soulless suit from the GE school of fuck everybody management. Remember you can't spell greed without GE.
Thanks for saying it out loud Matt. He's just another empty soulless suit from the GE school of fuck everybody management. Remember you can't spell greed without GE.
I love how the internet doesn’t allow these people to hide anymore. Great article, fuck that piece of shit Bob Nardelli!
Matt - THANK YOU for speaking the truth. Nardelli is a legend in his own mind. You are spot on with this article.
Thanks for setting the record straight. Seriously...Nardelli must think people have short-term memory loss.
Matt, thank you. THIS is why I come on Jalopnik, pulling no punches.
For the record, I’m not endorsing the movie — I haven’t seen it, I’m just thinking about the car. But that shouldn’t stop you from continuing to masturbate to the trailer!
This (especially that headline) is so appropriate. Matt, you’re always so composed on video/TV. Can we get a youtube rant like this? For just once, I’d like to see what it looks like for you to lose your shit in a more animated form.
I ruined TWO Fortune 500 companies and retired rich with the one simple trick (lying my ass off).
Mercedes, Nardelli and Cerberus fucked up Chrysler. In my opinion they pretty much set them up for the bankruptcy.
It never ceases to amaze me how so many piss-poor CEOs manage to get big gig after big gig after they were summarily fired or bankrupted a bidness. Surely there MUST be other people who can get the chance to lead, maybe even from within. But no. It seems there are only a few dozen people who are afforded a CEO's…
“This whole thing is like if Neville Chamberlain wrote a column called ‘What I learned leading Britain into WWII — And how I won it!.’”
Mercedes brought Chrysler to its knees by gutting Engineering so it could transfer only to Germany via “consulting” and “technology licensing fees”: the Chrysler Group was paying, by way of example, Mercedes a near-$600 “license fee” on every WA580 (old 5 speed automatic) that was built in Kokomo.
The guy certainly talks like a CEO. If it talks like a duck.. I say give him the money.
What really gets me is when these assholes start lecturing everyone else on “personal responsibility” and “personal integrity”. Jack Welch is another such...personal integrity is really important, except when he was fucking his mistress on the side.
He’s posting his RESUME’ on Link’d In? Has he already burned through 210 Million, and none of his contacts wants anything to do with him?
I honestly did forget he existed. I can do fuck-all nothing if I put my mind to it, can I have $210M?
You think you hate it now, just wait til you drive it.
FYI, these have been around FOREVER.