The article is for me. I’ve thought about picking up the game for the campaign and I have Game Pass so this is a win in my book. I don’t care about MMO’s (Be it from any studio) so I appreciate getting an article that targets people in my position.
The article is for me. I’ve thought about picking up the game for the campaign and I have Game Pass so this is a win in my book. I don’t care about MMO’s (Be it from any studio) so I appreciate getting an article that targets people in my position.
As readers I don’t think we get to say “You should cover this and not that.” What interests me doesn’t necessarily interest you, and vice versa. I’m glad this was posted because I have a friend who wants to try Avengers and I can tell him he’ll have his chance to do it for free this month. It’s also seemingly a…
Kotaku should not be covering this game.
You have no clue who progressives are if you think Obama is their poster boy...
That’s also kids. People who start to edge towards “monster” (or at least “bad person I want nothing to do with”) would be the 74 million who voted for Trump. Yes, that’s a lot of people. Knowing there’s that many people who support that *actual* monster in this country is deeply disheartening.
If you belong to a church that supports this, you're supporting it. Period.
I may not believe in conservative views
The left wants people to be better, and sometimes they want people to be too perfect. It’s annoying. Holy shit is it annoying sometimes. The right is a literal death cult. These are not equivalent things, and as a “lifelong Democrat,” you should realize that. Moderate democrats espouse what were formerly conservative…
“The Republican ‘Party’ doesn’t represent the average conservative citizen’s views any better than the Democratic ‘Party’ represents the Left.”
The Republican party represents the lunatic fringe far right, and the Democratic party represents the center-right.
I think the issue is that we’re ultimately past the time where most people consider it acceptable for someone with an immense platform, which generates significant economic and social power, to be so incredibly cagey about who they are and what they believe/endorse.
Yeah no. Most Republicans are racist and homophobic.
JFC you have bad takes. Of course there is absurdity on the Left. The problem is there is no power in the Left in this country. What radical Left agenda items have been forced through in the past, oh, 40 years? Name one. Obamacare? LOL. That gift to insurance companies that doesn’t even come close to being universal…
No, not all Democrats are radical progressives, and not all voters who consider themselves Democrats support AOC, if only they were/did.
And anyone who is slightly to the Left of Mussolini gets tarred and feathered as a Marxist, race-baiting, godless monster who wants to destroy America. That has been the message since at least Clinton and especially since Obama. Conservatives have been getting trashed in the media for, what, 5 years? Boo-hoo.
Liberalism is conservatism. Most of the major media companies are owned by super-rich conservatives, and star super-rich people who support conservative candidates like Joe Biden who are in favor of conservative policies that help out rich people like them. Major blockbuster films, from Zero Dark Thirty, to Captain…
What “conservative values” are being demonized here? LGBTQ conversion therapy is a conservative value? Nobody’s mad because he wants low taxes.
Are you suggesting that white conservative men don’t have enough representation?
His first ex-wife sounded the alarms about him over a decade ago. He’s a giant piece of shit.
A purity test she built for herself. A purity test she weaponizes against everyone else.