
...to be fair he WAS that kind of Orc.

My balls dropped the first time I heard an Orc say “Zug zug.”

Yeah, Blizzard used to be all about that mature Art, none of this PG-13 blockbuster edginess! I remember when I first started up Warcraft: Orcs & Humans - it was so Mature my beard grew an inch. And I hadn’t even hit puberty yet!

I honestly don’t understand why they are not just more straight forward about it. “We wanted to make it more family friendly, please stop whining. ” They honestly would’ve gained some respect from me.

Hell in today’s climate I would’ve even accepted: “We have developers to feed, that gets harder to do if our game is

Uhh... those levels are designed for double jumps. You make it sound like they designed a level, realized it wouldn’t work with the standard jump, so implemented a double jump to avoid reworking their level design. That’s not all how these things work.

Because men are trash.

Well, girls that spend their child support check on newports and fake nails need music too.

It’s exactly what I wanted it to be. There was no need to reinvent the wheel here, this particular wheel works great. More wheels please.

She didn’t call it sexism, she was saying she was being mansplained to (she was), and that tweet about totalbiscuit is pretty irrelevant, and really not the worst thing that was said about him.

I’m just gonna add fuel to the fire....the guy got a snarky comment and snow flake cried over it ...which led to more snowflake crying. Its her personal twitter..she was not opening a discussion just merely stating an insight. If you get enough BS guys coming around telling you how to do your job because your a girl

That “legitimate discussion” was some jaggoff asking the most basic bitch question to someone who could teach a 500 level college course on the subject.

Jessica: “in-depth explanation of the problems in narrative game design in MMOs”
Internet Rando: “Have you tried dialogue wheels?”

Fucking miss me with this shit.  

Can people stop acting like he’s well established or well known? He has less ham 10k subs on YouTube. He has less than 3k followers on twitter. He’s not well established. He’s a step above a reddit commenter.

Matt would tell you that a book doesn’t provide feedback the way a video game does. The way it stimulates you through rewards, etc. The feeling of finishing a book is not the same as finishing a boss fight, and that’s just a fact. That being said, the negative aspects of gaming are more related to design than they are

it is disrespectful because Baron Cohen isn’t American.”

No, it isn’t, though if you’re suggesting more Americans should be willing to do the patriotic thing and strike back, even if in a small way, against these assholes, then I agree. Fucking pathetic that a foreigner has to do it for us.

No but like a real connection that actually makes sense besides you wanting to be a snarky asshole.

Sorry, My Uncle Who Works At Overwatch told me that Waluigi was up next

“I don’t want to miss one second. I don’t want to miss no smiles, I don’t want to miss no new movement,

Realism? That’s your argument, when discussing Soul Caliber? That these women are realistic?

It’s funny, I’m looking at professional women fighters and there seems to be a lack of super curvy, stick skinny, E cups.
Boobs are hard to fight with. They’re incredibly painful if they get hit, they ruin good form and are generally just a pain in the ass. Even if a fighter has boobs, they’re strapped down and well

No, I don’t need proof. I’m not a fucking judge. Fuck that guy.