
I have only been in Claire’s in my adulthood with my own child or one that I was Big-Sister-ing. I think going in with a youth helps you feel not so old (although one time an employee thought the 13 year old I was with was my daughter...and I was 24...so maybe fuck Claire’s lol).

Not to be a grumpy gus, but is nobody else bothered that this doctor is posting some girl’s medical information on fucking Twitter?

The American right wing has basically gone from slavers to Jim Crow-ers to the people who call twelve year olds thugs after they get shot by police, so I mean...just cause you don’t sing the quiet part loud doesn’t mean you aren’t part of the same song.

There’s a pretty big gap between simply fantasizing—because, no, we do not need to police thought —and crafting a virtual reality fuck-doll of a person you know.

It might be worth actually playing the character before prematurely determining that she’s essentially a palette swap of another character.

You think you know someone, then you find out they play Junkrat.

i had a good run here at kotaku until i was forced to quit over this story

Not in enough numbers to win anything. The NRA only has about 5 million members. Many gun control measures opposed by the NRA poll well over 50%. If anything, we need to ostracize and demonize the ammosexuals much more harshly than we currently do.

They will vote exactly the same because they can’t even admit it to themselves.

Well as long as we’re talking about things we regret reading, I’ll go ahead and add your comment to the top of the list.

Yeah, it’s funny as hell when slobbering old guys banter on “barstools” about how much they are into high school girls. Chloe Kim is 17 years old, There is nothing acceptable about these troglodytes strategizing a “how to avoid statutory rape by a day” plan.

If she was 18, you wouldn’t be ashamed to say that she’s a little hot piece of ass.

Check it: Wimmenfolk can have short hair too:

everyone crying white tears about Black Panther

She doesn’t look androgynous in any way so I’m guessing you already knew the answer to your “question” and are just looking to start shit.

As a Canadian and Blizzard fan I am exceedingly happy to be able to stop giving a shit about that toxic buttwaffle xQc and kneel to Scarlett as our new eSports Laureate.

Why? Why would you need to ask this? Are you planning on trying to bed her? I don’t think you are her type and second, who the fuck let you out of the grey?

The answer to your question is: ‘Yes, you are the problem, and you represent a cancer long plaguing the gaming community.’

I totally get all of that. My point wasn’t that wanting to administer aid was a rational policy, but rather that our sole reason for defining them as the enemy is that they have nukes.

Right? So what if he didn’t stand for the anthem of a country that he feels doesn’t respect him or those that look like him? How else would you create change in the world without a brave man like Mike Pence, who literally saved the world from nuclear annihilation with a look, taking a knee for things he believes in?