You do realize that they aren’t paying them unequally for the same jobs... It’s that the women are being employed for the lesser paying jobs.
You do realize that they aren’t paying them unequally for the same jobs... It’s that the women are being employed for the lesser paying jobs.
How is this newsworthy? Your own article states the women aren’t working in the high paying sectors of the company.
I don’t know if you’re new to this website or what, but “balanced perspective” and “Hamilton Nolan” are what we like to call mutually exclusive.
Have you ever read this “writer” before? He hates anyone who is successful and/or makes money. This is his tired old schtick.
I wouldn’t say these are necessarily marketed at kids by any means. That is a super sleek design and something that I at 30 years old think looks nice. Doesn’t mean I have any interest in using one, just that it’s nicely designed. If they started making them super colorful and fuzzy and whatnot I’d be more concerned,…
Sperm entering a mic?
Reporting on Weinstien didn’t make him more “popular”. The problem in some of these cases, like this one, are the stories don’t do enough. I get more information and see discussions elaborating better on this topic in comments then I do in the story. And some of these stories, most you see on sites like this, try to…
I’m assuming you still boycott tropical thunder?
How about it’s an art style that even though was developed by a racist doesnt mean that literally every facet of the art style has to have race brought into it. I mean hell there aren’t even people in cuphead. Get the racebaiting crap out of what is a fun and looney art style just because you can. I kind of feel like…
To all posting, take a couple minutes, follow the link in Jason’s article and add your name to the petition. Call your senators and congress stooges. Donate.
If I am, in fact, future you, then I must pass along to you the following vital information:
1.) Remember that though holding a degree in English certainly feels good—particularly if you dream of writing your own novels someday—it isn’t actually as necessary as you think it is, and you might want to consider doing…
For me, this a couple reasons why I watch:
“I have fun grinding for hours, so other people should have fun grinding for hours too. Otherwise, they are just lazy.”
I admire the technical skill that went into it, but yeah, not my thing. My favourite thing about cosplay are the bits of personality that shine through the costume - the imperfections, the little human touches that give me a glimpse of the real person behind the character. This, while slick as hell, has none of that.
Not to sound like a jerk, but it’s difficult to be impressed by something that doesn’t even look real. Maybe it’s because it’s so over processed I’d never have known it was cosplay without being told.
You should comment less.
Nurse! Nurse! We have a very sick burn victim to attend to!
This comments section will be interesting.
Once again, we have a headline that's terribly misleading. Barely any of these animals have hands.