
It really tied the rink together.

God, I hate showering. Especially in the winter. 2-3 times a week is all I need, and I have to really psych myself up for them. I am all about dry shampoo on my hair, and only really get it wet once a week, when I just wash with conditioner. All of thisbresults in people commenting on how soft my skin is and how

Did you get your $10,000 bounty up front, or is Jezebel sending the check in the mail?

"it turns out that he's a bottom."

And to old cats, everything is a bed.

Where'd You Go Bernadette was the most fun I had reading a book in a LONG time. It's my go-to recommendation for anyone who is looking for something really really good, but really really fun too.

This is revenge, delayed by a generation, for Love's Baby Soft.

BTW, where are my Pinot Grigio people?

OOOH thank you, you are my sewing fairy godperson! I will heed all of this advice! I'm not even attempting any clothing (yet. Or ever.), I would just love to stock my kid's little kitchen with cute things—food, placemats, maybe a tiny tablecloth for when she asks her boss to dinner. (Melissa & Doug sells a felt pizza

I will also add to the (lovely) reply to the third letter - as someone who was basically an abused feral child raising my little sister, I had similar experiences in forcing myself to become a social person and learn the language of social currency. Everything is give and take, and everybody has emotional and

Here is an actual FB post of mine from a few months ago—

That Heath Campbell thinks he's an example of the superiority of the white race is mind boggling.

if Ann Coulter is Coors Light, then Camille Paglia is a fancy Belgian beer recommended by a pretentious friend you've always suspected of being a huge Ayn Rand fan.


Just got the umpteenth card in the mail of happy couples/families/pets looking all coordinated and lovely and wishing me a happy holiday.

"It's a common argument when cases like these come up: the notion that people who are accused of crimes deserve whatever happens next, up to and including death"

The fox head-first in the snow with nowt but his feets and tail-end sticking out reminded me of nothing so much as my Richard Scarry books from when I was little.