
two words sum up your comment: what point?*

Nice argument!

Read the post above mine. It's probably a troll.

You can't go around putting people down because of their sexuality, even if you are some loser sex-less nerd that's still bitter about some crap that happened years ago.

what a true statement! with the logic you've both present, this is just like how identifying man with black skin lets us know that he is inferior to a man with white skin (source: all recorded history)

"The Boondocks" is not a show that prides itself on being against political correctness. You're just racist and you want to give meaning to the show so you feel less bad about it. But don't worry, it's cool. I used to pretend to be a Power Ranger sometimes when I wanted to forget about being scrawny and picked on all

What's your point exactly? It sounds like you're discrediting the writer because he's of a different race than the show's target audience.

two wurdz sumz upz thiz comment: what point?