Do You Like Pie, Boy?

The seasonal Blackout Stout is also fantastic.

Anyone who thinks it sounds easy lives in Florida or California.

"...their defensive rating has actually gotten a bit worse since the Timofey Mozgov trade"

Deadspin is telling people to stop beating a dead horse. Cute.

It's BS that a team is going to face fines or worse when the whole thing could have been avoided by a referee telling some 22-year old kid to put more air in the balls. Under every possible scenario that accounts for the unknowns, the refs screwed the pooch here.

More typos from Shrayber's phone, I see. Important breaking Beyonce news that simply could not wait.

No pussyfooting around this one.

Also this combination of Gawker, Inc., fearing copy editing the way the Taliban fear kite flying and Nick Denton's meticulous attention to detail.

Slow night, Tim?

You wonder why you are not starred.

I always just assumed Forbes assembled these best-cities lists by giving meth to a chimp and having him draw names out of a giant barrel of Lincoln Logs all stamped with the name of a different metro area.

You'd love Cleveland, then.

Sacramento the second happiest place to work? Look how happy this guy is.

It was totally Lodge.

Anti-helmeters are the anti-vaxxers of cycling. You're never gonna win this argument.

This is largely nonsense.

I'm not afraid of my helmet.

The guy who says he wants the delivery kid fired is arguing with people on Facebook over the entire affair. Sadly for him, he has neglected to set his Facebook privacy settings correctly. Enjoy while it lasts.

You should have been more careful, but on the other hand, you got fooled by one of many recent websites that claim to be "satire" but are really just dumps for pointless fake news stories which sound vaguely plausible unless you read very closely. I don't think a lot of people get just how good The Onion is at doing

I have a pair of the Head gloves. They're alright to about 25-30 degrees. Maybe if you're just walking, but I've tried to use them cycling and can't really ride with only them on when it gets below 40.

I have a pair of the Head gloves. They're alright to about 25-30 degrees. Maybe if you're just walking, but I've