
“I may not agree with your speech, but I will hold it against you in a court of law.”

Where are all the free speech absolutists??

America has lost its collective fucking mind.

Actually, I think she 100% planned to engage but they made it into the woods before she got them in range. She even kind of realizes that she slipped up in letting Rhaenyra and her council know just how close she got to them when she was only sent to scout. She’s definitely her father’s daughter.

Also, The Boys showed a full on butthole. Prestige television incorporated pornography so gradually that I didn’t even notice.

Just finished it. Absolutely loved it. The final scene between Rhaenyra and Alicent was as good as anything ever written in GoT. Good writing, good directing and fantastic acting.

That made sense because it was a title for those who did the ritual of almost drowning.

Aegon is cruel by our standards, but in his world I’d say he’s not really. The ratcatcher thing was an emotional response to the death of his kid. It’s terrible but like it’s not as bad as Cersei having Ned’s whole household slaughtered, down to the septa. That kinda stuff just happens in Westeros.

want her to secrete herself away somewhere

Also, wood is famously flammable, so why in seven hells didn’t Baela just blast some dragon fire after them?”

Rhaenyra and someone else had a conversation about Seasmoke seeming restless. 

Partying with a petty and cruel drunk sucks.

I don’t think I have commented here since the last episode of GOT but...good god this episode was brilliant. It was everything GOT could have been but failed because of Dumb and Dumber.

This is the man who gave us Grover, Elmo, Oscar, and Kermit Tully. 

I think he’s trying to drive a wedge between Aegon and Alicent. It wasn’t about the actual result of it - it was about making Aegon think that Aemond and Alicent wanted him out of the way, which I read as the reason for Aegon’s later humiliation of Aemond.

This episode underscores the issues of Alicent’s age change and making her Rhaenyra’s former friend - I understand wanting this to be a conflict between women, but the true conflict (right now) is between Rhaenyra and Aegon, and through that lens, it looks like Rhaenyra is a better person but doesn’t have a handle on

I think he just made up that rumor to get himself a job on the council / make himself seem useful to the king.

Can I just say that’s the weirdest Arthurian reference I’ve ever seen in a serious piece of work?

the Brackens and Blackfoots were so easily goaded into annihilating one another, weren’t they?

The breakdown that David's old friend Tracy has is one of my favourite moments in the series…She's pathetic and weepy and says something like, "You think you've hit the absolute bottom of sadness and loneliness, and then you find out there's this other whole level."