
Honestly I assumed it was sarcasm but putting /s or *sarc* after would make it easier as tone and inflection aren’t easily picked up online by some of us

Kim Mulkey is an awful person who profits off of players she doesn’t like or respect, she’s also a bigot...it stinks she has coaching skill otherwise we’d never know who she was and she’d just be a typical awful neighborhood lady.

Yay another jerk/bad guy wins, this timeline hurts my heart.

Why does the "party of small government" keep trying to enact such large political events?   I'd say they are liars and hypocrites but I'm just asking questions.

Her song “let the mystery be” was one of the many gifts the Leftovers gave me.

Well said.. I say this as a guy who used to love Top Gear (for the car stuff not Jeremy’s “comedy/old man whining”

Keep religion out of government as well (oops too late and it sucks!)

I was literally going to say, Kenya doesn’t seem to have a strong track record outside of Black-ish...but maybe that’s just my viewpoint.

Seriously continued growth regardless of world economic environment is such a joke, the company i work for missed their 2022 projections so they doubled their hopes for 2023...yeah that'll work out

Loved him back in the Spill (now doubletoasted) dot com days, good on Cargill for succeeding in the writing game!

I don’t like to wish ill on people but maybe the devil would like to have the soul that Whitlock sold to him, bring him home , nice and close.

Yay my Sunday cartoons!

We can dream!

I wouldn’t say it sucked the air out, I’d say it was something that the authorities should really be looking into more, why don’t they have any idea where this lady is and why isn’t her “husband” more worried or forthcoming.

I should have just skipped college, lied about it, worked full time during those years instead and then run as a Republican....... this world/timeline is evil.

Yeah I was surprised to see him and not Ryan C.

I was literally going to write that the last person I can remember with such distinctive eyes was Meg Foster!

He’s totally a stable genius... Not a narcissistic oligarch who needs constant validation (remember his "boo-urns" moment at the Chappelle show, no they were cheering not booing, largest crowd at an inauguration ever!)

I loved the comic Drax, as a young comic fan in the 90s the Guardians became one of my favs (nothing deep just a fun space gang getting into adventures!)

Unfortunately as I’ve aged I’ve learned that there are different rules for the rich,the well connected and those who are “good ole American looking”