
I enjoyed this article, thank you for sharing, seems like an interesting book and subject.

I’m sure Mother was worried her Negrette seduction powers may hit Holy Pence in his special area.

Unfortunately basic empathy has become as rare as unobtainium.  We suck and don't deserve this planet. 

I hope he loses his license and insurance as he’s shown he cannot be trusted and lies.

Thank you for the laughs on Reno 911 and your other work.

Is it bad that I’m smiling as he probably got a nice “parting gift” in his downstairs from Paris Hilton?

I love Esther (from her work on Crazy Ex and Alone Together, thank you for the heads up as I look for laughs this weekend.

Great news, perfect stuff to get me through a workday.

His attempt at “common guy” clothing and connecting with regular folks is pandering and obvious, and yet it works with his dad’s base.

Surprise rich white guy who skirted the law and has power cares nothing about old people of color , victims and those who don’t directly benefit him..... WAIT are we talking about Christie or PT.?

Beyond great news if we get the gang back together!!

I hope those young adults find a support system in each other and soon get their degrees /find a school andreligious group” that accepts them as they are.

That’s our president.... by that I mean he’s present and he’s made a dent in decency.

Empathy and Sympathy are on life support, understanding of other humans outside your “acceptable” circle I’m afraid that’s gone. I keep hearing how the next generation is more accepting and open minded, then I get a reminder that the next generation is learning hate from this generation.

Well said, I’m currently working at a small family business and the management loves to call employees “dumbasses, fuck heads” and the like (on top of gay bashing potential clients when they leave the office)

And I thought the “real/original” Lenny was a guy?   I would like Lenny and Jean/ice husband answers and or recaps of what exactly happened for all of those characters by the end of the show please.

She stated that she told him to “get back in” , I am no legal scholar but I do play one on tv and it looks like she has some responsibility in this.

If it’s science/something he doesn’t understand then expect him to cut it/gut it / offer it up to whomever will praise him for dismantling it.

It’s a shame that Fox has wasted so many potentially interesting characters (Storm, and I hear Cyclops can be good when used by correct writers)

I wonder if the known cheater (regarding golf and relationships) tried to cheat , I hope they don’t let him get away with it.