
Pornhub should consider putting an IP block on Congress and seeing how long it takes before the GOP starts demanding net neutrality.

The Devil went down to Georgia. He was looking for a serif font.
He was in a bind because he had unseriffed lines - he’d even go Garamond.

Bezos should rename the sales tax that Amazon now charges to “Donald Trump’s Internet Tax” with a link to that tweet.

I don’t care about his porn habits, but he sounds like an illiterate moron in that “stament” he posted on Facebook. How is someone that can’t even type in coherent sentences a Rep for anyone?

Everyday sitting across the border, looking at America

I think your assertion that this is one big excuse for Democratic loss, therefore it’s all bullshit is off. There’s many things going on and it’s disingenuous to chalk it up to “sour grapes.” Untangle all the different topics.

Too late, I already don’t give a shit about Wyoming.

I’m glad you remember, because Ronnie sure didn’t.

Because if the US stayed in the Paris Agreement, our representatives would do everything they could to undermine it, delay it, lower benchmarks, and fight everything every step of the way. The Paris Agreement would have been ineffectual at best. With the US out of the Agreement, the other signatories can take it

I believe this is what you are looking for.

How long before Trump appoints the CEO of United Fruit Inc as the new FBI director?

That’s what I figured. I’m surprised it has actual paragraphs and not just “be born rich” followed by a bunch of blank pages.

Of course he doesn’t care if anyone else has health care. Life’s Been Good to him So Far.

So your saying that if I have to choose between an iPhone or health insurance, i should be responsible and choose health insurance. I can see the point you are trying to make but you need to understand that your assumptions about how poor people make their decisions are based in a reality you are most certainly out of