
Oh yeah, I forgot about that. Co-signed.

Because you a person of taste and class!

Fingers crossed for the Assayas - probably my most anticipated film from the lineup.

He was delightful in Llewyn Davis. I haven't seen him in enough things to have a strong opinion otherwise.

There are sections in "Same Drugs" (like around "You were always perfect / and I was only practice") where it sounds like an R.E.M. song. Not something I'd have expected on a Chance album, but I like it.

Colman Domingo is too good for this show.

Ergo: the word "fuzzy" in my comment. People do that kind of thing with genre markers all the time (especially in literature). They're never static and fully consistent, but we define them by general tendencies.

Try his song "Sunday Candy" (from Donnie Trumpet). I don't know if it's physiologically possible for a human being with functional ears to dislike it.

Possible, yeah. I don't know how their model works. It's only an Apple exclusive for two weeks, or something like that, but you're right that he might be making something off that.

Well… typically musicians use mixtapes to launch themselves into lucrative contracts, but one of the things that's made Chance's model so unusual is that this is his third mixtape (fourth, counting Donnie Trumpet), and he's said he has no interest in signing with a label, ever.

Fuzzy, but usually: mixtapes are given away for free, so they don't have to clear the samples.

Haha what?

Yeah, my first thought was: well, shit, I guess we won't be getting that moment in the other show, then.

Line of the night for me.

It's the old paradox: how do you parody something without making it an example of that very thing? In this case: kitsch.

It looks more borderline-libertarian now than it did when it was made. At the time, definitely read more like anti-Reaganism than generic anti-government, anti-media, etc. Plus the heroes are all blue collar construction workers who you know would unionize if they could, poor people who live in a tent city, street

I've been on team Chi Chi since she walked out in that fabulously well-constructed plastic bag dress in the first episode, but she came into this episode as the underdog, and the nature of the challenge wasn't going to shake things up unless 1. someone really fucked it up (and nobody did), or 2. someone really tore

"Gopher Guts" is maybe my favorite song of his ("black gums, tooth gone, bootleg Yukon Cornelius"), and nothing here's hit me quite as hard as that, but I've learned to be patient with his albums and let them sink in over time.

I thought he said "I bought a hotel," which seemed anticlimactic and made me wonder if there's some motel-related Inhuman comics lore I was unaware of.

The detailing on Chi Chi's dress was killer - I was hoping to see more of this kind of creativity when she came in episode 1 in that awesome garbage-bag dress, so I'm happy she's stuck around long enough to bring it out again.