
Waters didn't direct it, but Love Letter to Edie is wonderful, and Massey is charming as hell as the narrator of her own life.

Vanessa Bayer is forced to defend her earnest belief that God has never had a homosexual thought, even though he created Tom Hardy

But that's exactly what I'm talking about. Chi Chi came in expecting she needed to give "proper" (read: SAE) English to read as "serious" ("gravitas"), was told she should play up her drawl and country-ness, and was dinged for not being "serious" enough. This is a pretty typical of the way regional accents can be an

I think they record them all after the fact, and some of the sent-home contestants are better at hiding their frustration than others…

I'm curious if the extended clips/untucked will go into this, but there really is a bigger hurdle in challenges like this for queens who don't speak standard American English. Kim Chi obviously had the hardest time, but look at the mixed messages Chi Chi was getting re: playing up her accent/background on the one

Yeah, I don't demand a great amount of research/accuracy from these posts, but more than half of the material I've been getting in Seances is footage directly from TFR. Weird to see Udo Kier chasing women's derrieres without Sparks' music, but here we are.

- Where do you get the money to pay people?
- Oh, we were just saving it for a rainy day.
- Well, it's raining now!

Highest is "Not in Nottingham" at 27, which: yes, I agree it's the best song in the movie, but it's about twenty slots too low.

I may have read way too much into it, but I thought the opening was such a strong echo of the Christmas scene in Female Trouble that we were supposed to take her seriously (albeit with a camp sensibility) rather than dismissing her. But you may be right - I haven't thought much about the video in the last ten years.

Yeah, I don't get the snark here. Someone made a claim about Lovecraft's attitudes toward race; I cited line-and-verse as evidence against that specific claim. Also, lots of his contemporaries thought (wrongly) that the cities were decaying; not many pinned that on the spread of "Asiatic filth." So… not sure what

But he's well in line with critical sentiment (even at the time, before the jury announced its awards) so I don't think the charge is very fair.

For what it's worth, my first experience with him was Tropical Malady on a reasonably-sized television, and not only did I enjoy it, I'd say it's my favorite film (ever, for real).

Definitely get your hands on Cemetery as soon as you can: it's wonderful. Jenjira Pongpas Widner, in particular.

He's been trying to work with Tilda Swinton on a project for years, so… If that eventually happens my brain my explode.

On the monkey-ghosts v. unconvincing ape costumes - I'm pretty certain those are supposed to be taken as entirely separate things. The lost brother's makeup and overall look (and what we see of other monkey-ghosts in the jungle) is very different from the cheap, definitely fake costume in the still photos. Obviously

Chi Chi reads to me like a fusion of Joslyn and Stacy Layne Matthews, two of my favorite queens, so I'm totally on board!

[Chi Chi] reminds me of Joslyn Fox in how I find her very endearing, but don’t think she has what it takes to win the competition

You've made the right choice, though it's worth checking out the original (if you haven't). Not a great film, but it's so odd and offputting that it's interesting as an unusual SF/horror hybrid.

Love Carpenter, but I couldn't even muster something nice to say about this movie. It starts off awful and only gets worse from there, like nothing is working the way it's supposed to.

Lovecraft gets (I think WAY too much!) shit for his racism, but his was so mild and of-his-time.