
“The Devil’s Hands Are Idle Playthings” is my favorite episode of Futurama. It may very well be the best.

The pure disdain that Castellaneta gives "I cleaned them" is one of my favorite moments in the show.

"A hermit? I notice the table's set for four."
"That's nothing - my alarm clock is set for eight."

We need new friends!

Agreed, but I've found it to be a hard sell with friends who want more straight-up horror in their horror.

Pontypool is one of those great counterexamples to pull up when people say "the book is always better than the movie." No, Pontypool Changes Everything is a terrible book (even its author will tell you that) and the movie improves on it in every way.

I'd put Martin at the top, flip Dawn and Night, and raise The Crazies a bit (I think it's boldest film, even if it's a little uneven).

Hardly career-destroying - it's one of the biggest hits of the year so far (#8 right now, though that'll change given some of the movies coming down the pipeline).

It has a pest control officer flirting with a sheep dressed up in women's clothes, wearing broomsticks for hands. You probably know from that description alone whether this film is for you or not.

No wonder Hardy was so confused… He was lost!

On the flipside, my favorite thing is Hardy's Solomons - he looks like he wandered on set without a script, and delivers all his lines as if he, the actor himself, is genuinely confused about what's happening around him. His tête-à-tête with Sabini is maybe the only time the show's gone full-on absurd.

It's literally unfair.

Yeah, and the director said he really doesn't like playing the suave, sexy roles - so to get him to play Reggie that way, he realized he had to offer him the role of Ronald (the crazy one), too. Ha!

Since the writing was my least favorite thing about Peaky Blinders, I'm not sure how I feel about him helming Taboo.

What do you think Hamlet was about?

Did you see him at Cannes this year (I mean, photos/videos - unless you were at Cannes)? I'd take that over any of his movie roles, honestly.

Something that the documentary doesn't cover, but that Jeet Heer was discussing on twitter recently, is that calling Vidal a queer was something Buckley did often in private and in correspondence (telegrams) - so that moment of weakness wasn't something he regretted in substance, but in style. However smug Vidal could

I am, but I imagine Dee would make fun of a woman for a fruity drink, too.

I know a little bit about this project, and yes, that is pretty much exactly what happened.

Yes! This was the first thing that came to mind, too.