
Other way around for me: I'd never want to meet the Seinfeld characters in real life because they're insufferable, but I'd totally drink with the Paddy's gang. Granted, I'd constantly check on my wallet and make sure I had an escape plan, but I'd totally drink with them.

Call me crazy, but this is the episode I often show people to get them into the show. It's such a pure distillation of their awfulness, but you can't stop laughing.

Even better than his expression at the dartboard is Dee's look back at him - just twisted, evil pride. I love this episode so much.

Yeah, I kind of admire the audacity here. Like Dowd says, they could have gone for lower-hanging fruit, but they went this route instead.

Nah, the book is frequently taught before high school - in fact, Scholastic clocks it in as an 8th grade-level book. You're not wrong.

I don't recognize this site anymore.

We still walk around making his doo-dee-doo sounds. Oh, and also Zim's "GIVE ME EARTH MONEYS!!!" Sad for a bunch of guys approaching 40…

Damn, I loved this show - we re-watch the Christmas episode every.. er, Christmas - and I'm happily surprised at how much more laid-back the creator is now. Great! Taquitos for everyone!

Easy: she's a Chinese workman who used to lay rail lines.

This is my favorite Pacino performance. It's a difficult and risky role, and some of the energy here would devolve into tics in his later movies, but for this, he's a perfect ball of flop-sweat energy.

It happened to me once in college and it was absolutely the most terrifying fucking thing I've ever experienced.

Somehow I've read the book and not seen the movie, so… Nothing to offer here!

Good thing the Czech are Central European!

Sufjan is currently tops for me. Saw him in concert a few weeks ago and it was, as expected, sublime.

I have no idea what the writers are intending with Jonas, but in scenes like these, he comes across like a budding Magneto.

She's the only one with a bad relationship with her mother, right? That's how I read the scene. But I get where you're coming from.

It's funny if that was their intent, because I had the opposite reaction: hearing her say "Michael" on the operating table made her instantly more sympathetic for me, and explained her inability to let go of that name earlier in the series.

I rec'd this despite guiltily tugging at my beard, my shaved head.

Oh heck no, this gets an A and all of the pluses I can dig up from under the couch. I've never seen television like this - that last ten minutes, I was stomping my feet and hollering like I was at a damned concert or something. This far exceeded anything I hoped for when they announced a Wachowski series; you expect