Don’t feel too bad. They probably don’t. Because Cuno doesn’t give a fook! Cuno doesn’t give a fook about anythin!
Don’t feel too bad. They probably don’t. Because Cuno doesn’t give a fook! Cuno doesn’t give a fook about anythin!
Guess you could call him a
On the flip side, I think the happiest I’ve been in any game with romance was DA2. The “everyone is compatible” approach might not be true to life, but I don’t really care. ESPECIALLY because certain kinds of characters keep getting repeated as the queer options.
I played as FemShep, and was definitely interested in Jack... but I also think its okay for not every romanceable character in every game to be available to every player configuration. When an NPC draws boundaries, telling the player that it isn’t that they aren’t interested in romance but rather that they aren’t…
I’m going to take what’s apparently the even-less-popular opinion and go with Pyre, which was one of my favorite games that was new to me in 2020. I really loved the characters and story, and I oddly enjoyed the loop of story and gameplay. None of the stop/start of Transistor.
I finished Assassins Creed Odyssey this year. It had a fantastic ending with the Atlantis DLC.
My list for the year:
I would play Bastion before Transistor
Let me get the firsts out of the way: Hades was my first roguelike and my first Supergiant game, and it makes me want to go back and play more roguelikes and Supergiant games (you’re next Transistor.)
Frankly, the low-res versions look more cyberpunk.
I’ll always associate walking through heavy snow with the opening credits to Final Fantasy VI.
Hell yeah with the Legendary Theme from Gitaroo Man. That song gives me goosebumps every time I hear it.
And the Master Sword sleeps again...FOREVER!
All This. Warren just has her shit more together than anyone else. It infuriates me that this does not get more traction.
i hate to admit it but the tiny tina dlc is the only game to ever make me cry.
She also came off antidepressants without getting the zaps. I’ve never heard of that happening, even though most psychiatrists seem to be all “the what now?”
I legit have never seen a show before Bojack deal with antidepressant weight gain and still say “even if they have side effects like that you stillneed to take your antidepressants if they make you more stable” and I’m so glad the show came at it from that angle both in the first half of the season and here. Then they…
A crushing part of the episode that does not get talked about enough is the brilliant use of the theme music in Escape From LA. That is the only episode I remember that does not open with the regular theme song. The absence of that seems to hint that this could be a new, positive change for Bojack. It is evidence that…
Either Facility in Goldeneye trying to get the Invincibility cheat or Diamond Sands, the hardest stage in Blast Corps. and the best, most fun challenge I had on the N64. Where others cursed that map, I relished demolishing it.