
Caption contest…So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish!. (you all know that is what that dolphin is thinking)

Rarely have truer words been typed on an AVClub comment board. I would be willing to watch a remake of Being John Malkovich as Being John Barrowman.

Curse you Hat! I now have this song stuck in my head (again-it happens fairly regularly). Even more horrible, I cannot decide if this is better or worse than the circus music that has been there for the last few days.

Two gods enter…well, two gods probably leave too. Pesky immortality

I regularly use this reference in my day-to-day life. Tragically, I receive only blank stares in return

I think I SHOULD be offended by that, but if I could turn my amazingly healthy thought process into the industry Gaga has, I would be set for life. I might pass if this process would require me to befriend Perez Hilton

Or, Gaga can suggest that, and be karate chopped in the neck, thus ending our being subjected to her "singing". Ah, the happy thoughts are returning. Then there can be a celebratory sing-a-long around Gaga's broken body.

I saw this at TIFF last month & the screening I went to included a half hour Q&A with Opie moderated by George Strombolopolous. I had a great time with the doc itself, but the discussion with Howard was what I was really there to see.  It was definitely the most, shall we say, diverse audience at ANY screening I was

Calzones are pointless-and so are you!

Three of us guys….April 19 sucks monkey balls.  May I suggest my now usual celebration of watching movies while eating cake in your jim-jams?  I'm finding it works well for me…

Thank you for reminding me why my birthday fucking SUCKS.  This is why I sat on my couch watching movies and eating cake today in my pajamas.  (Yes, I had to make the cake myself)

Here might work too…I can be your Leslie, I'll even let you keep your Twizzlers.  (I'm Canadian, I've had Red Vines once and they were weird)  So, I've got a few History Channel documentaies burning a hole in my DVR..

Here might work too…I can be your Leslie, I'll even let you keep your Twizzlers.  (I'm Canadian, I've had Red Vines once and they were weird)  So, I've got a few History Channel documentaies burning a hole in my DVR..

Is "Fuck" still one of the words?  "You fuck?"  "Fuck sticks?"  Come on!  Tell us!

Is "Fuck" still one of the words?  "You fuck?"  "Fuck sticks?"  Come on!  Tell us!

@The_Guilty_Party:disqus there's a Lush that I used to go to in Ottawa that's two shops away from a fish market/restaurant.  Guess which one you smell when you're walking down the street?

@The_Guilty_Party:disqus there's a Lush that I used to go to in Ottawa that's two shops away from a fish market/restaurant.  Guess which one you smell when you're walking down the street?

Anyone remember when the series finale is?  I'm asking so I can make arrangements to watch the whole series (again) back to back and possibly understand the whole thing.  I love the show overall, but sometimes it makes my brain hurt.

Anyone remember when the series finale is?  I'm asking so I can make arrangements to watch the whole series (again) back to back and possibly understand the whole thing.  I love the show overall, but sometimes it makes my brain hurt.

I would have loved the hell out of that if it actually happened and raised StewBeef to a near God-like level.  Also, I would have been incredibly jealous, as that is something I would very much like to do.