
I would have loved the hell out of that if it actually happened and raised StewBeef to a near God-like level.  Also, I would have been incredibly jealous, as that is something I would very much like to do.

I'm trying to convince my roommate on the awesomeness that is The Muppet Movie  (She's only 21…god I feel old), but she doesn't know who ANY of the cameos are and I don't think having to spend 3 hours explaining who all the people are and then showing her why they were awesome and derserving of a cameo with the

I'm trying to convince my roommate on the awesomeness that is The Muppet Movie  (She's only 21…god I feel old), but she doesn't know who ANY of the cameos are and I don't think having to spend 3 hours explaining who all the people are and then showing her why they were awesome and derserving of a cameo with the

The sky is blue?!?!?

The sky is blue?!?!?

It's far too soon. Not to mention that Alan Rickman could still pull off Hans Gruber and probably do it better now. Seriously, he's one of those guys that I love, but I'm pretty sure is truly evil, somewhere deep down.

@ Linear A- I will raise a cry with you! Both my sister and I love the Enchanted Forest Chronicles to this day. She even got "Snow White & Rose Red" for Christmas this year. Damn, now I'll need to borrow her copies soon, I haven't read them in a while.

Agreed on John Bellairs (made even better by the fact that many of his illustrations were done by the delightful Edward Gorey), Roald Dahl and Shel Silverstein. I still love "The Monster at the End of this Book" (the original with Grover) and "The Eleventh Hour." In my house though, it was all about Robert Munsch

I saw "The King's Speech" at a surburban multiplex in Canada on New Year's Eve. And the house was sold out-for every showing. I went to the same theatre to see something else (OK, I saw "Tangled") and "The King's Speech" was sold out for the first two showings of the day. Admittedly, the showing I was at, and at

Joan is one of the most, if not THE most, hauntingly beautiful films I've ever seen. I own the Criterion DVD edition of it, and love introducing my friends and family to what can be done with film. I would be interested in seeing more of Dreyer's films, but I am not often presented with the opportunity to find

This show continues to increase my love of Bradley Whitford. I knew the guy could pull off funny/mildly unhinged (see: "Billy Madison" marble statue ass polishing), but him as Dan Stark is great! I am also willing to accept him doing everything he did in this episode, solely because that's how Dan Stark busts punks.

Other bands…
My friends and I had this discussion over the weekend, while playing Green Day: Rock Band. We're all for a Weird Al Rock band, but we're really holding out for Rush Rock Band with the whole motherfucking drum kit. I believe that I'm currently leading the pool for first of us to get injured playing that

I think the secret to this one is to have a whole family that likes the Muppets. I'm betting, at this point, that I'll be able to convince my mom that we need to move Christmas dinner back a couple of hours, just so we can see the Muppets. This is the woman who has, in the past two years gotten me both the talking

As punishment for this travesty, Ratner shall be stabbed with a poisoned comb, have his ribs broken with an enchanted corset, force-fed a poisoned apple, and, finally, be strapped into red-hot iron shoes to dance himself to death.

Dear Lord, that's a horrifying thought. I think I'm going to have nightmares over that one. Must…find…some…mind…bleach…..