
Best I ever witnessed was a truck full of frozen seafood overturned on Kingsbridge in upper Manhattan. By the time the company sent out a recovery team, there wasn't a lobster tail or bag o' shrimp to be found. Sweet!

But it is TV — which was my original point.

She tried to distance herself from the X-Files — and TV in general — after the X-Files crashed and burned in its original run. Not to mention she and Duchovny apparently had a major row, which is why she left the show.

That's not what I said. What I said is that she seems to be drifting back into what she fled when X-Files crashed and burned. She didn't want to do series TV but now that seems to becoming her stock in trade again. Oh, and so glad to hear she played Asshat, Whereyouare.

So, I'm not allowed to dislike something if everyone else loves it? Pfui! I state my opinion.

P.S. Don't get me wrong…I love Robot Chicken!

Yeah, well, I'm still hibernating — the inner bear hasn't woken up for spring yet.

What I'm saying that she has reverted to the type of work she left X-Files to avoid. She may be critically acclaimed for something I haven't seen — I haven't seen everything, you know. The last thing I did see that was both serious and well-done was her Miss Havesham, but that was 2011 and it's now 2014 — three

I believe so, but still she didn't play my town.

Haven't seen The Fall aired here (though I might have missed it) and I found Hannibal boring as hell. The fact is both of them are exactly what she ditched the X-Files to get away from — weekly TV. She wanted to do serious work, but serious work didn't want her so much. She had a few truly good films, but then it

Haven't seen it here in the US.

Now is he shaking his ass in the direction of the nightclub or is he in the nightclub shaking his ass? It's a bit of Schroedinger's ass right there, isn't it?

Sounds as if Anderson has gotten over her "I'm an artiste!" phase. Well diminishing paychecks and getting cast in things like Robot Overlords will do that. Hunger is the great leveller.