Pickups and Sports Cars are perfect

Thank you. I didn’t know how much the Trump hate colored the Jalopnik writers opinions. The strength of our system is to have 50 laboratories to figure this out AND THEN we enact national rules that are proven.

First Gear and Neutral: I think this is a good thing in general for the big guys. There’s too many cars with little differentiation. That makes them commodities that people buy on price, hence all the money they have to put on the hood to move them. While I normally hate marketting speak, having your products and

Genius. 996 should always be the answer. I miss mine.

I’ll take 2. Dat Green and Dat Maroon! I’m sure I can scrape twenty-twoty billion together.

I’m going to be devil’s advocate on this one. Financing a car for 12 years is definitely nuts, but this deal really isn’t that bad for a loan. It ends up being 6.3% APR, which is competitive for a secured loan. And with interest rates rising, this may look really good in a year or 2. I would also guess if this is

I think FCA and Hyundai should merge. Hyundai is weak in SUVs, offroad, and enthusiast cars, and Europe. FCA’s few strengths are in those areas. Hyundai could abort the ill advised Genesis brand and invest in Alfa and Maserati. And maybe the FCA lineups get the fabulous Hyundai/Kai warranties.

At first I thought this was going to be lib-tard, naive post. But for fair trade and local government accountability it makes sense. If a locale wants to attract new businesses, let them lower taxes for everyone. That way, everyone gets the same break and can compete fairly with the new guy. If locales want to remain

Congrats Erik! Getting off the debt treadmill is great. I can’t believe all the negative comments. “Free” and “cheap” money is a trap for the irresponsible and math deficient. The lenders don’t care why a payment is late or what your circumstances are, they will happily ding your credit or jack up your interest and

Don’t listen to Tracy. I also learned a 4 cyl Ranger in the early 90's. It was a blast and that thing was very grind tolerant.

Is the Dyna line done for?