Is there a bookish young girl out there who hasn’t gone through a phase of ripping through stories of female…
the synth music is EVERYTHING TO ME
This show is so goddamn good. A few thoughts-
On its surface, Netflix’s new ‘80s-inspired series Stranger Films is an homage to the kid-posse films of that era:…
Whenever I send people to the store (or they ask if I need something) I text a photo of the item, if its a particular brand.
I ♣ My Dog!
It’s so strange that the popular narrative is so intent on making this woman into a villain. She’s makes perfectly innocuous music that a lot of people seem to dig and she’s not an obnoxious creep about her success. Where is there a problem that necessitates this?
Why you no haz cat?
Your kitty’s lil arms are like he’s cheering: “Yay, How Kristin Works! Hurrah!” So cute. And his pink toe-beans and mouf. I wish I had a cat :(
Oh for real, this is excellent advice. It’s easy to set goals but similarly easy to lose track of why you set those goals. So I spent time almost every day looking at the whys of my life.
I feel like you’re someone I would love to hang out with. *high five* Also, I just resubscribed to Spotify so I could listen to your playlist.
Every week, we share the shortcuts, workspaces, and productivity tips of our favorite experts. Today it’s my turn.…
We all look for shortcuts to help us get through the day and make things a little easier, but you still need to show…
Looks like they’re all eating yogurt for breakfast instead ;)
I have more things than I need. Over the last several years, I’ve made a conscious effort to pare down my…
And he drunk-owls Hermione on every birthday and anniversary.
Broad City—a show about two women who run around New York City partying, living and pegging all over the place—is…
I prefer to start the day as a Director...
You wrote in about your horrible Valentine's Day situations and offers to be there for your fellow readers.…