I thought Toothy Tile was gay!
I thought Toothy Tile was gay!
Great advice. And similar to admiring the dislodged booger after going two knuckles deep in a heroic effort to extract said nose stone.....there’s something terribly fascinating about ridding and inspecting the snot from one’s nasal passages. Part of that whole “Every man has a boy lurking inside.....unless of course…
The NFL Draft Did Not Ruin Johnny Manziel
Man, that “Mo-ooom! Goddddd” body language as she finally heads up the track is just pure, uncut eighth-grader.
Everyone in this photo has a reverse-mortgage or at least called for the informational DVD.
I’ll pledge a dollar if Loretta walks into oncoming traffic on Michigan Ave.
He needs to learn useful life lessons like leaving 13 mil on the table because daddy got his feelings hurt
I have a problem with it. It’s extremely selfish. Forcing your coworkers to deal with your dumb kid (I’m sure he’s dumb since he’s getting homeschooled by christian maniacs) is such an asshole move.
This is such bullshit.
In their Facebook rant they list all the misfortunes that have happened to them, the latest being their car engine exploded. Props to the FB commenter who suggested they try to fix it with apple cider vinegar.
We’re not trying to offend anyone, it’s just coming from the heart.
There’s no way Fresh Choice isn’t the name of the section with the sad prepackaged wraps inside a gas station.
How was the service when you were hit by a car? Were you seated quickly?
They haven’t been told why their teammate has been kicked off the squad
Why is it that the interior of every private plane, no matter how expensive, ends up looking like a 1985 Starcraft van conversion?
Some of the most intriguing conversations you can listen to come from him. He may not be the smartest person, but look at who goes on the show and a lot of the guests are very well known intellectuals. Neil Degrasse Tyson, Dan Carlin, and Dr Carl Hart to name a few.
I have never been a prouder Chiefs fan. Look at all the rich people doing it wrong, and then look at Mr. Reid. Everyone else's attire scream "scumbag" or "sleazeball". Andy's screams "Yo, pass the margerita (sic) mix."