
Nature has no inherent value to these people. Unless some rich guy somewhere is making a buck digging or pumping something out of the ground, or harvesting trees or some shit like that it literally has no value. Not the forest itself, the animals and plants living there, the scenery, or any of that. It’s just

‘Barbarian’. That term invented to describe foreigners by the ‘civilised’ Hellenics who were barely better than than Washington’s America.

Pretty sure that happened in Aspen. And while there’s certainly some beautiful nature in the Aspen area, he’d have to go more than 5 miles away from a Gucci to get there, so I assume no, he wasn’t in wilderness. He was simply at a ski resort.

Careful...You will summon the Kluwe.

I watched most of this game yesterday and Troy and Buck fellated the Mormon out of him. It’s a cool story sure, but they beat that horse, set it on fire, then beat it some more.

Yes. Finally.

You act like punters have brains...

I always felt this guy was like the Mormon Tebow insofar as he’s really a RB masquerading as a QB. Good for him for being willing to play out of position to get on the field.

“...Hill sprinted down the field and tackled Fozzy Whittaker, to the delight of head coach Sean Payton.”

We are living in the upside down.

LeBatard said something this morning that stuck with me: We’re fast approaching a point where Alex Rodriguez will be more well liked than Derek Jeter. Who saw that coming?

Jeter gift basket jokes are so old, Roy Moore doesn’t even notice them while walking through the mall.

But Jeter did arrange for one of his patented “morning after” gift bags to be left at his hospital bedside.

No, you don’t get it. Religion > Football was my point. I don’t know if that is what the chain is, but I do know some people are like that. So, if that is the case, it does not “pay” to be the “bigger man.” If that is the case, his actions are totally understandable.

I guess he seemed so good in PCU because he was being himself.

“He’s fine.” — New Orleans Saints concussion protocol staff

I know its petty and I shouldn’t care, but ripping someone’s chain off in a football game is a chump-ass move. Like I can’t wrap my head around why it bothers me so much, the last time it happened and there was video I remember getting so mad. But seriously, Talib is a dick.

Here’s what I see: