No, no it does not. Read...something.
No, no it does not. Read...something.
If it’s uncredited it means shit unless he’s William Goldman- it’s like being an extra.
10x as much for the same job, except, she actually knew the subject./culture-and the film is 100% about culture. And, oh yeah, you can never get the experience, because you don’t have the experience, etc, etc. Just because something is the norm doesn’t mean it makes any logical or ethical sense whatsoever.
You’ve got that kind of backwards. “Trendy Aesthetes” are far more likely to laud art that is being lauded by powerful “trendy aesthetes” than declare that the emperor has no clothes.
I don’t really either in the context. The link was to an embarrassment when one of their experts said a recent high school student’s pot was a 100+ year old folk art masterpiece worth $50,000. I don’t know if they are comparing that accidental hoax to the The Goldfinch itself and its reviews, or suggesting ‘expert’…
I doubt it. It’s being dumped in September by its studio. They wouldn’t do that (especially with this cast!) unless they knew it didn’t have a prayer and is an utter turd. The Oscar voters ALL know what this means too- they won’t want to look like idiots.
I’m fairly sure it’s our ability to use tools which is leading directly to our destruction.
This is not an expert answer, but basically equity means how much more a house is worth relative to what you paid and owe on it. If you bought a house for $100,000 dollars and put $50,000 dollars into it, and it’s now worth $200,000 dollars, you have $50,000 worth of equity (minus interest on the loan)- that’s what…
I’m sorry you’re going through this. It sounds like marriage counselling would be a good idea. You don’t directly mention abusive behavior, so I don’t know if you need to get out urgently. Don’t let his immigration status be a factor if he is abusive. Again, I’m sorry for your situation.
We are not a Christian nation, just for starters. Keep you bs away from the rest of us.
They were quite big on killing ‘the Slavs’ which is a Caucasian group as far as I know.
This is the thing with a lot of abusers, especially early on, they are an absolute prince, your dream come true...right at the very beginning, because being the dream in the beginning is the only way they’ll ever get anyone to put up with the rest. No one has ever been this wonderful...then that cracks a bit, but they…
I worked in a bar/club on an island that was mostly military. Another bartender and I would keep track of our marriage proposals on a NIGHTLY basis. We were not being flirty, it was not a strip club, etc. Guys were that eager that after handing them three beers and chatting for less than 5 minutes total, they’d often…
I wasn’t angry about it. I have gotten angry at you. I wrote a couple of posts and forgot which you were replying to. If the bride had specifically wanted a dino wedding she would have planned that. Instead, she agreed to what her sister wanted and was ‘fine’ with it. Not the same thing. I would say that anyone on…
I have said all along that THIS bride seems ok with it and that’s great. I don’t give a fuck. I have also said that the MOH made the wedding all about her by wearing a 9' t-rex costume and that’s pretty fucked up. Which I stand by. Can you truly not see the difference between casual shoes and taking off a three piece…
I know this from looking at the picture and video? It’s a traditional (formal white dress, suits, flowers, bridesmaids, etc) backyard wedding other than the t-rex.
Uh, how do you know that? I agree that when her sister was getting internet grief, her sister defended her. Which is great! You nor I know what ‘everyone’ at the wedding, the bride or groom thought about it. I’d say that it’s likely quite a few people were not fine with it, but whatever.
That’s fine. It’s not even clear that the bride knew this was going to happen beforehand. She handled it extraordinarily graciously- not many would have. The bride and groom seem to have wanted a fairly modest wedding that still including some fairly traditional trappings- they didn’t get that, but they rolled with…
You mean, like the maid of honor did? Does the rest of the wedding look like this?
I read the article. The bride seems to be fine with it, which is a miracle. About the only way, IMHO, to be fine with a 9' t-rex MOH showing up at your fairly formal (no one else in costume, full length wedding dress, men in suits sans jackets) is to be so inured to this behavior that you just roll with it.